

The Significance of the Genius Loci of the Yenching University Campus in the Period of the Solitary-Island——Using the Linhu Xuan House as an Example
摘要 大学校园文化遗产保护,不仅需要了解物质空间的修复,还需了解不同时期校园空间的场所精神。文章聚焦燕园中临湖轩在抗日孤岛时期的"显白书写"和"隐微书写";当临湖轩以不同的使用方式来传达集体立场和诉求,并被在场者所领会时,便具备清晰的表达能力。孤岛时期,基于这种表达,临湖轩以非武力手段摆脱日伪奴化教育的企图,学校课程得以正常开展,燕京大学"自由、真理、服务"精神得以保存。这一非常时期对大学本质的保存,是临湖轩此间最重要的意义。"孤岛",在文中有双重含义,既指1937—1941年间的燕京大学这样一个时空范围,又指所有大学在历史上可能遭遇的能否自由办学的困境。学生书写中的临湖轩,不论在战时还是事后,都包含澄明和忧思两种基调。作为校园遗产保护对象,临湖轩的场所意义需要继续发掘,并通过新的活动来产生新的意义。 The preservation of the cultural heritage of a university requires understanding not only how to repair physical space but also the development of the Genius Loci(场所精神)across different periods.This paper focuses on the exotericism(显白书写)and esotericism(隐微书写)of Linhu Xuan house in Yenching University during the Solitary-Island period of the Second Sino-Japanese War.At the time,Linhu Xuan house was used in different ways to convey collective positions and demands,and when understood by the people present,was capable of conveying meaning clearly.Based on this conveyance,Linhu Xuan house was able to resist Japanese attempts to use education to form a slave mentality among Chinese students through non-violence means,the school curriculum was carried out normally,and the spirit of"freedom,truth,service"of Yenching University was preserved.The preservation of the essence of the university during this extraordinary time is the most important significance of Linhu Xuan house.The term"Solitary-Island"has a double meaning in this paper,which refers not only to the spatial boundary of Yenching University between 1937 and 1941,but also to the dilemma faced by universities throughout history of whether or not they can run their schools freely.Linhu Xuan house in the writings of Yenching University students,both during and after the war,contained tones of clarity and worry.As the object of campus heritage protection,the meaning of Linhu Xuan house needs to be further explored and through new activities new meanings must be fostered as well.
作者 王岑 WANG Cen(College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture of Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
出处 《自然与文化遗产研究》 2020年第4期61-72,共12页 Study on Natural and Cultural Heritage
关键词 孤岛时期 燕京大学 场所精神 大学校园 临湖轩 the period of the solitary-island Yenching University genius loci university campus Linhu Xuan House
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