
仿真分析在壁板及前缘结构固化变形预测及控制中的应用 被引量:3

Application of Simulation in Prediction and Control of the Process-induced Deformation in Stiffened Panel and Leading Edge Structure
摘要 针对复合材料机翼加筋壁板及U型平尾前缘混杂结构的固化变形现象进行了仿真预测和分析。以复合材料机翼四筋壁板为例,通过工程化的仿真算法计算分析了加筋壁板结构固化变形成因。在对U型前缘混杂结构进行固化变形分析时,将变形结果与实际变形数据进行了对比,得到了较好的验证结果。本文通过使用工程算法对机翼壁板固化变形原因进行分析,并利用虚拟试错方法探索了该U型结构模具补偿的方法,积累了对于复合材料复杂结构变形控制的工程经验。 Simulation was carried out in the prediction of the process-induced deformation(PID)of composite wing panel and U-shape leading edge hybrid structure to study related phenomenon during the deformation process.In the study of the wing panel,the PID of the skin,stringers and the panel were analyzed by engineering algorithm to explore the differences before and after the manufacturing processing.Results show that the deformation of stringers caused a notable deformation to the whole wing panel compared to that without the co-bonding of the stringers.The PID of the leading edge structure was also studied by using the engineering algorithm.By verifying with the PID experiment results,a good agreement between the simulation result and reality was yielded.In this paper,the exploration of the cause of PID in composite structures was also carried out,and virtual trial-and-error was performed by the compensation of the tooling surface,thus accumulated the engineering experience to the control of the PID in the complex composite materials structures.
作者 魏冉 徐鹏 孙晶晶 晏冬秀 刘卫平 WEI Ran;XU Peng;SUN Jingjing;YAN Dongxiu;LIU Weiping(Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co.,Ltd,Shanghai 201324,China)
出处 《材料科学与工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期552-559,共8页 Journal of Materials Science and Engineering
关键词 复合材料机翼壁板 前缘 U型结构 工程算法 虚拟试错 Composite wing panel Leading edge U-shape structure Engineering algorithm Virtual trial-and-error
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