英国维多利亚时期著名作家安东尼·特罗洛普在其晚年名作The Way We Live Now中颠覆性地塑造了众多生活在英国的犹太人物。对特罗洛普犹太观的探究,可透过其小说在表象上延续的犹太人物的负面形象,深度剖析作者在此基础上进行的颠覆性书写,从而还原作品中犹太人物的他者形象;同时将"他者"与"自我"并置,通过展现犹太人与英国地主阶级和中产阶级之间的权力关系,来分析作者借助他者而完成的对自我的言说,揭示特罗洛普对资本漩涡中的英国的前瞻性思考,并从中归纳出特罗洛普更为先锋的犹太观。
Trollope shaped many Jewish characters in his later masterpiece The Way We Live Now subversively. The analysis of Trollope’s views on Jews can be achieved by interpreting Trollope’s subvert writing of Jewish characters based on his seemingly negative description of them,so as to reveal the actual "other" image of Jewish people in the novel. At the same time,by juxtaposing "the other" and "the self",the power relations between Jewish and English people including landlord class and middle class can be clarified,so as to expose Trollope’s prospective thinking of England trapped in the swirl of capital,and then conduct his more vanward attitude towards Jewish people than former English writers.
Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies