
走出历史周期律的新路探索——以毛泽东回答“黄炎培之问”为主线 被引量:7

Exploring a New Path out of the Law of Historical Periodicity:With Mao Ze-dong’s Answer to“Huang Yan-pei’s Question”as the Principal Line
摘要 1945年,毛泽东与黄炎培就政权兴亡历史周期律进行了一段深刻的对话,被后人称作"窑洞对""。窑洞对"已经过去75年,但时代对中国共产党人的考试没有结束,走出历史周期律的新路探索没有完结。以毛泽东同志为代表的中国共产党人一直强调为人民服务,志在探索走出历史周期律的新路,毛泽东也将此作为自己的毕生追求。他具有伟大的人民情怀,不断探寻科学的理论依据;强调根本的党性要求和持续的思想建设;始终坚持从严治党,战争期间坚持依法行政;为民执政运动反腐,严打"老虎"加强法制;坚持批评与自我批评,接受组织和民众监督;保卫人民的利益,发展人民的利益;突出人民主人地位,倡导社会新风尚;对待亲情不搞特权,严于律己以身作则。毛泽东毕生为人民谋幸福,为民族谋复兴,为人类谋大同,他的遗志和未竟的事业需要代复一代共产党人接续努力,砥砺前进,奋斗不止。 In 1945,Mao Ze-dong and Huang Yan-pei had a profound dialogue on the law of historical periodicity,which was later known as“the talk in cave dwelling”.It has already been 77 years since the talk,but the test of the times for the CPC and the quest of a new path out of historical periodicity have yet been over.Mao Ze-dong and the CPC have always stressed the importance of serving the people and aiming to find a new way out of the law of historical periodicity,which Mao considered as his lifelong pursuit.His endeavors included attaching to a great peopleoriented sentiment and constantly searching for a scientific theoretical basis;emphasizing the fundamental requirements of party spirit and continuous ideological construction;adhering to strict party governance and administration in accordance with the law;governing for the people,campaigning against corruption,cracking down on“tigers”,and strengthening the rule of law;persisting in criticism and self-criticism and receiving the supervision by organizations and the public;defending and developing the interests of the people;highlighting the people’s position as masters and advocating new social trends;refusing to engage in privileged relationships,being strict with ourselves,and setting an example for others.Mao Ze-dong’s legacy and unfinished business of seeking happiness for the people,rejuvenating the nation,and building a commonwealth for mankind requires the continuous efforts of generations of the CPC to forge ahead and struggle.
作者 周溯源 Zhou Su-yuan
出处 《毛泽东邓小平理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期49-66,F0003,共19页 Studies on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories
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