目的对孕前优生健康检查服务质量进行综合性评价,了解济南市免费孕前优生健康检查工作取得的成绩,发现工作中的薄弱环节,推动项目可持续发展,实现此项目社会效益和经济效益的共赢。方法设计国家免费孕前优生健康检查项目调查表。随机抽取服务对象进行电话调查、问卷调查。调查内容包括:政策知识知晓情况、知晓渠道、是否参加过优生宣教、评估建议告知情况、满意度情况、高风险人群面对面指导、跟踪随访及早孕随访及妊娠结局随访情况。采用SPSS 18.0统计软件对数据进行统计学分析,资料分析采用单因素和多因素分析相结合的办法。结果已婚育龄夫妇宣传倡导知晓率和优生科学知识宣传覆盖率90%以上,知晓渠道95.35%是通过计生宣传,优生宣教93.33%,评估建议告知95.76%。追踪随访:高风险人群跟踪随访、早孕随访及妊娠结局随访率低;群众满意度93.94%.;94.34%人群认可随访;不同年龄阶段人群的随访意愿、群众满意度差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05),不同地区人群的随访意愿、群众满意度差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论宣传培训有待加强,随访服务工作需进一步完善,孕前优生工作需针对不同人群采取不同的方式,需做好各项工作提高群众满意度。
Objective To comprehensively evaluate service quality of free pre-pregnancy eugenic health examination,understand the achievements of free pre-pregnancy eugenic health examination in Ji’nan,find out the weak links in the work,promote sustainable development of the project,realize win-win goal of social and economic benefits of the project. Methods The questionnaire of free pre-pregnancy eugenic health examination was designed,the service objects were randomly selected for telephone survey and questionnaire survey. The survey included awareness of policy knowledge,channels of awareness,participation in eugenic education or not,information of evaluation recommendations,satisfaction,face-to-face guidance of high-risk groups,follow-up,follow-up of early pregnancy,follow-up of pregnancy outcomes. SPSS 18. 0 software was used for statistical analysis of univariate analysis and multivariate analysis. Results The awareness rate and coverage rate of eugenic knowledge among the married couples of childbearing age were more than 90%,the main channels of awareness included family planning publicity( 95. 35%),eugenic publicity( 93. 33%),and information of evaluation recommendations( 95. 76%).The follow-up rates of high-risk groups,early pregnancy,and pregnancy outcomes were low. The satisfaction rate was 93. 94%. Follow-up was approved by 94. 34% of the population. There was no statistically significant difference in follow-up intention and satisfaction among different age groups( P>0. 05). There were statistically significant differences in follow-up intention and satisfaction among different areas( P<0. 05). Conclusion The propaganda and training needs to be strengthened,the follow-up service needs to be further improved,the pre-pregnancy eugenic work needs to adopt different ways for different groups,all kinds of work should be done well to improve satisfaction rate.
LIU Pei;LIU Bei;ZHANG Gui-Xian(Ji^nan Family Planning Service Center,Ji^nan,Shandong 250002,China)
Maternal and Child Health Care of China
Pre-pregnancy examination
Comprehensive evaluation
Service quality