
影响使用中户用超声波热量表流量准确度的主要问题分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Main Problems Affecting the Flow Accuracy of Ultrasonic Heat Meter in Use
摘要 结合国内热量表使用环境,在后续检定的热量表中抽取具有代表性的样表进行试验,通过试验,发现使用后的超声波热量表流量传感器的误差,在经过不同流量冲洗处理后进行检定,出现了流量传感器误差发生偏移的现象,针对这一现象,该文从户用超声波热量表的设计和工作原理出发,查找超差原因,并对热量表的使用和检定提出合理的建议。 Combined with the use environment of heat meters,representative samples were selected from the heat meters for subsequent verification for testing.After testing,it was found that the errors of the flow sensors of the used ultrasonic heat meters.After the flow sensor is flushed with different flow rates,the error is obviously offset.In view of this phenomenon,this paper starts from the design and working principle of household ultrasonic heat meters,finds out the causes,and puts forward reasonable suggestions for the use and verification of heat meters.
作者 段云 樊家成 张柯 徐冰 陈飞 Duan Yun;Fan Jia-cheng;Zhang Ke;Xu Bing;Chen Fei(Henan Institute of Metrology,Henan Zhengzhou 450008;State Quality Supervision and Inspection Center for Water Meter,Henan Zhengzhou 450008)
出处 《电子质量》 2020年第8期31-33,共3页 Electronics Quality
关键词 户用 超声波热量表 流量传感器 误差 检定 Home use Ultrasonic heat meter Flow sensor Error Verification
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