
轻型无人机飞行控制系统适航安全性研究 被引量:4

Research on Airworthiness Safety for Flight Control Subsystem of Light UAV
摘要 为了解决起飞全重25公斤至150公斤的轻型无人机融入民航空域的适航问题,采用民机事故概率统计结果与适航安全水平对比方法,确定了轻型无人机定量化的期望安全水平;然后以某轻型无人机的飞行控制系统为对象,采用功能危险分析法和故障模式影响分析法,推导出机载设备失效影响的严重程度,获得了影响飞行安全的关键清单及其与之对应的期望安全水平;最后选取两个重要部件姿态角传感器和飞控计算机进行失效影响验证,飞行控制系统半实物仿真试验和空中飞行试验表明以上分析正确;期望安全水平和安全关键清单的结论对轻型无人机的适航审定管理实践具有较大的借鉴作用。 For the problem of the flight airspace of light unmanned aerial vehicle(abbr.LUAV)system with the take-off total weight from 25 kg to 150 kg into the civil airspace,First the expected safety level of LUAS is determined by comparing the probability of civil aircraft accidents with its safety level of airworthiness.Then,with the methods of the function hazardous analysis(abbr.FHA)and failure mode and effects analysis(abbr.FMEA)to its flight control subsystem on a certain type of LUAV,the severity of airborne components failure effects is deduced,the safety key list and corresponding expected safety level are obtained.Finally,attitude angle sensor and flight control computer are selected to verify the above analysis on the hardware-in-loop simulation of flight control subsystem and the real UAV flight test.The conclusion of expected safety level and safety key list can be used for the management practice of LUAV airworthiness certification.
作者 罗秋凤 高艳辉 张锐 徐伟程 王海龙 Luo Qiufeng;Gao Yanhui;Zhang rui;Xu Weicheng;Wang Hailong(Dept.of UAV,Nanjing University of Aeronautics&Astronautics,Nanjing210016,China;Key Lab.of Advanced Technology for Small and Light UAV,Ministry of Industry and Inforrmation,Nanjing 210016,China;Shandong Great Wall Computer System Co.,l.td.,Yantai264003,China)
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 2020年第8期139-143,共5页 Computer Measurement &Control
基金 中央基本科研业务费重大项目培育基金(56XBC17012)。
关键词 轻型无人机适航 期望安全水平 飞行控制系统 故障模式影响分析 安全关键清单 LUAV airworthiness expected safety level flight control subsystem FMEA safety key list
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