
涉县旱作梯田系统农业物种及遗传多样性保护与利用 被引量:4

Protection and utilization of agricultural species diversity and genetic diversity in Shexian Dryland Terrace System
摘要 农业生物多样性的研究和保护是全球重要农业文化遗产保护的核心要素。以王金庄为核心的涉县旱作梯田系统2014年被认定为中国重要农业文化遗产,研究其农业生物多样性,可为涉县旱作梯田系统的保护与利用提供依据,为农业文化遗产地农业生物多样性农家就地保护提供参考。本文通过对传统农家品种普查收集与入户访谈、田间调查与种植鉴定,系统研究了涉县旱作梯田系统的农业物种和传统农家品种以及由此形成的保护与利用经验与技术。研究发现涉县旱作梯田系统种植或管理的农业物种26科57属77种,其中粮食作物15种、蔬菜作物31种、油料作物5种、干鲜果14种、药用植物以及纤维烟草等12种。共有包括171个传统农家品种,其中粮食作物62个、蔬菜作物57个、干鲜果品33个、油料作物7个、药用植物和纤维烟草12个。这些农业物种及传统农家品种,通过混合种植、轮作倒茬、间作套种、优中选优等一系列保护与利用技术被活态传承和保护。但随着城镇化和现代农业的快速推进,涉县旱作梯田系统农业生物多样性保护与利用正面临着主体缺失、技术失传、传统农家品种名称混乱、种质退化以及单一化种植造成的品种多样性丧失、单一追求产量造成适应性强的品种资源丧失、农民生计方式多样化造成梯田农业的弱化、传统农家品种生产比较效益低和重要性认识不足等问题,针对这些问题提出了建立动态保护与适应性管理机制、发展特色产业、激发农民内生动力、组织开展资源普查并建立社区种子库与农民自留种相结合的传统农家品种就地活态保护机制等对策与建议。 Research on dynamic conservation strategies and processes in protecting agrobiodiversity is an essential element of Important Agricultural Heritage Systems conservation.Shexian Dryland Terrace System centered in Wangjinzhuang Village,Shexian County,Hebei Province was recognized as a China-NIAHS(Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems)in 2014.This study focused on Wangjinzhuang Village’s conservation and utilization of agrobiodiversity,aiming to provide a basis for guiding the in situ conservation and sustainable utilization of the Shexian Dryland Terrace System and to provide a reference for other Important Agricultural Heritage Systems in China and abroad.The field research and baseline data collection were conducted with comprehensive methods,including household surveys,individual interviews,group discussions,and in field experiments in Wangjinzhuang Village in 2019.Systematic research was used to collect abundant agricultural species and traditional farmer varieties,as well as the conservation and utilization experiences and associated technologies in Wangjinzhuang Village.The research identified and registered 77 species,57 genera,and 26 families,including 171 traditional farmer varieties cultivated or managed in the Shexian Dryland Terrace System.The species included 15 grain crops,31 vegetable crops,5 oil crops,14 fruit crops,and 12 medical,textile,and tobacco plants.The traditional farmer varieties included 62 grain crops,57 vegetable crops,7 oil crops,33 fruit crops,and 12 medical,textile,and tobacco plants.These agricultural species and traditional farmer varieties had been actively passed on by a series of conservation and utilization techniques such as mixed planting,crop rotation,intercropping,and premium seed selection in maintaining agrobiodiversity sustainable for generations.After hundreds of years,local varieties could still meet people’s diverse food needs.However,with the rapid development of urbanization and modern agriculture,the conservation and utilization of agrobiodiversity in the Shexian Dryland Terrace System are facing problems such as role conflicts of agricultural institutions,continuous degradation of unique local genetic resources and traditional technologies,confusion over the names of traditional farmer varieties,degradation of germplasm resources,loss of variety diversity due to monoculture,loss of locally adaptive varieties due to the single pursuit of high yield,weakening of terraced agriculture caused by the diversification of farmers’livelihoods,low comparative efficiency of traditional farmer varieties,and lack of awareness of their importance.Given these problems,countermeasures and suggestions are advanced to establish dynamic conservation and adaptive management mechanisms,such as developing featured industries,stimulating farmers’endogenic motivation,organizing and conducting genetic resource surveys,and establishing in situ conservation mechanisms for traditional farmer varieties combined with community seed banks and farmers’self-saved seeds.
作者 贺献林 王海飞 刘国香 王玉霞 陈玉明 贾和田 王丽叶 HE Xianlin;WANG Haifei;LIU Guoxiang;WANG Yuxia;CHEN Yuming;JIA Hetian;WANG Liye(Shexian Agricultural Technology Extension Center,Hebei Province,Shexian 056400,China)
出处 《中国生态农业学报(中英文)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第9期1453-1464,共12页 Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
关键词 涉县旱作梯田系统 农业物种多样性 农业遗传多样性 保护和利用 中国重要农业文化遗产 Shexian Dryland Terrace System Agricultural species diversity Agricultural genetic diversity Conservation and utilization China Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(China-NIAHS)
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