
人居环境质量对乡村发展的影响——基于江苏省村庄抽样调查截面数据的分析 被引量:45

The impact of human settlement quality on rural development:a quantitative analysis based on the cross-sectionaldata of sampled villages in Jiangsu Province
摘要 农村人居环境整治是实施乡村振兴战略的重点内容,探讨人居环境质量对乡村发展的影响具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文从理论层面解析了人居环境质量影响乡村发展的机理,并基于江苏省村庄抽样调查截面数据构建了多元回归模型和结构方程模型(Structural Equation Model,SEM),就人居环境质量对乡村发展的影响及机理进行了定量分析。研究结果:①回归分析表明,人居环境质量对乡村发展的促进作用明显。②SEM建模分析发现,农村人居硬环境和软环境各构成要素对乡村发展的影响存在差异。硬环境方面,基础设施条件直接促进乡村发展,其路径系数为0.40,环境卫生状况、农户居住情况与基础设施条件之间呈现较强的相互促进作用,其路径系数分别为0.68(环境卫生状况基础设施条件)、0.65(农户居住情况基础设施条件)和0.54(环境卫生状况农户居住情况);软环境方面,乡村文化活动直接促进乡村发展,其路径系数为0.16;硬环境方面的环境卫生状况、基础设施条件与软环境方面的乡村文化活动也具有一定的相互促进作用,其路径系数分别为0.15(环境卫生状况乡村文体活动)和0.31(基础设施条件乡村文体活动)。研究认为,农村人居环境整治有助于乡村空间重构、组织重建、产业重塑,有效推动乡村形态、结构和功能转变。为更好地促进乡村发展转型与振兴,农村人居环境整治应当“软硬兼施”,以完善基础设施和丰富文体活动为重点,并同步推进环境卫生治理和居住条件改善。 Rural human settlement renovation is an important aspect of rural vitalization strategy,so it is important to explore the impact of human settlement quality on rural development in theory and practice.This paper analyzed the theoretical mechanism of the impact of human settlement quality on rural development,and built a multivariate regression model and a structural equation model(SEM)to carry out a quantitative comparative analysis based on the cross-sectional data of sampled villages in Jiangsu Province.The regression results showed that geographic situation and resources endowment were no longer the control factors affecting rural development with the promotion of new rural construction,the development of traffic and communications,and the rise of new economic growth point,while human settlement played a significant role in promoting rural development.The SEM analysis indicated that there were differences between the impact of hard human settlement on rural development and that of soft human settlement.In hard human settlement,the infrastructure conditions could directly promote rural development;the path coefficient was 0.40.There were strong interactions among environment sanitation,living situation and infrastructure conditions;the path coefficients were 0.68(environment sanitation infrastructure conditions),0.65(living situation infrastructure conditions)and 0.54(environment sanitation living situation)respectively.In soft human settlement,recreational activities could also directly promote rural development;the path coefficient was 0.16.Environment sanitation,infrastructure conditions and recreational activities also presented certain mutual promotion effects;the path coefficients were 0.15(environment sanitation recreational activities)and 0.31(environment sanitation infrastructure conditions)respectively.This study suggests that rural human settlement renovation is conductive to the reconstruction of rural space,organization and industry,which effectively promotes the transformation of rural pattern,structure and function.Meanwhile,rural human settlement renovation should take the strategy of combining both‘hard’and‘soft’means to promote rural revitalization,focusing on comprehensively promoting infrastructure construction and developing recreational activities,and simultaneously advancing environment sanitation renovation and improving living conditions.
作者 李裕瑞 张轩畅 陈秧分 刘彦随 LI Yu-rui;ZHANG Xuan-chang;CHEN Yang-fen;LIU Yan-sui(Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China)
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第8期158-167,共10页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目“农村人居环境整治的运行机制与综合效应研究”(批准号:41971220),“土地整治对村镇社区发展的影响机制及其互促模式研究”(批准号:41571166) 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项“乡村振兴地域模式与规划技术研究及示范”(批准号:XDA23070300) 农业农村部发展规划司委托课题“村庄分类标准及规划技术研究”。
关键词 人居环境质量 乡村发展 结构方程模型 乡村振兴 江苏省 human settlement quality rural development structural equation model rural vitalization Jiangsu Province
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