We show that it is possible to simulate an anyon by a trapped atom which possesses an induced electric dipole moment in the background of electric and magnetic fields in a specific configuration.The electric and magnetic fields we applied contain a magnetic and two electric fields.We find that when the atom is cooled down to the limit of the negligibly small kinetic energy,the atom behaves like an anyon because its angular momentum takes fractional values.The fractional part of the angular momentum is determined by both the magnetic and one of the electric fields.Roles electric and magnetic fields played are analyzed.
Jian Jing
Yao-Yao Ma
Qiu-Yue Zhang
Qing Wang
Shi-Hai Dong
荆坚;马瑶瑶;张秋月;王青;董世海(College of Mathematics and Physics,Beijing University of Chemical Technology,Beijing 100029,China;College of Physics and Technology,Xinjiang University,Urumqi 830046,China;Laboratorio de Información Cuántica,CIDETEC,Instituto Politécnico Nacional,UPALM,CDMX 07700,Mexico)
the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.11465006),20200981-SIP-IPN,and the CONACyT(Grant No.288856-CB-2016).