

Study of GUAN Gong′s Virtue of Loyalty to Emperor and Patriotism Based on The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
摘要 在《三国演义》中,关公具有显著的忠君爱国美德。蜀汉正统观念的确立、“拥刘反曹”倾向的形成、关公成为蜀汉的中心人物之一,极大地促进了关公忠君爱国美德的形成。在《三国演义》中,关公的忠君爱国美德表现在:桃园结义,平乱报国;侍卫刘备,从不懈怠;讨伐奸贼,忠于汉室;身在曹营,心在汉家;义释曹操,暗合诸葛;紧跟皇叔,开疆拓土;坐镇荆州,保家卫国;宁死不屈,以身殉国;英灵宛在,佑民杀贼。在《三国演义》中,关公忠君爱国美德的形成,既与关公的个人修养有关,也与关公深受社会的影响有关。关公的忠君爱国美德具有现代价值,其中所表现出的爱党爱国、爱军爱民的大爱无疆精神,藐视敌人、藐视困难的英雄主义精神,不忘初心、不怕牺牲的奋斗到底精神,值得我们思考、学习。 In The Romance of the Three Kingdoms,GUAN Gong has the remarkable virtue of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism.The establishment of the orthodox concept for Shuhan,the formation of the tendency of"supporting LIU and opposing CAO",and becoming one of the central figures in Shuhan greatly promoted the formation of GUAN Gong′s virtue of loyalty to the monarch and patriotism.In The Romance of the Three Kingdoms,GUAN Gong′s loyalty to the monarch and patriotism is shown in the following aspects:Taking the pledge of brotherhood in Peach Garden,pacifying chaos and serving the kingdom;being LIU Bei′s imperial bodyguard,never slacking off;suppressing conspirators,loyal to the Han Dynasty;living in CAO camp,but with his heart in the Han family;releasing CAO Cao in uprightness,secretly cooperating with ZHUGE;closely following the emperor′s uncle,expanding realm;occupying Jingzhou,garrisoning the kingdom and defending the homes;martyring rather than submitting,dying for the kingdom;haunting the heroic spirit,protecting the people and conquering the enemies.In The Romance of the Three Kingdoms,the formation of GUAN Gong′s virtue of loyalty to the monarch and patriotism is not only related to his personal cultivation,but also to the profound social influence on him.GUAN Gong′s loyalty to the monarch and patriotism has modern value,where the boundless spirit of loving the Party and country,loving the army and the people,his heroic spirit of contempt for the enemy and difficulties,and his spirit of fighting to the end without forgetting the original intention and never fearing sacrifice are worth thinking and learning.
作者 王治涛 赵光付 WANG Zhitao;ZHAO Guangfu(School of Marxism,Luoyang Institute of Science&Technology,Luoyang 471023,China;Henan Research Center of Ancient Capital Culture of Luoyang Institute of Science&Technology,Luoyang 471023,China;Memorial Hall of the Eighth Route Army Office in Luoyang,Luoyang 471002,China)
出处 《洛阳理工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第4期1-10,共10页 Journal of Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology:Social Science Edition
关键词 《三国演义》 关公 忠君爱国 正统观 拥刘反曹 毛宗岗 The Romance of the Three Kingdoms GUAN Gong loyalty to the emperor and patriotism orthodoxy supporting LIU and opposing CAO MAO Zonggang
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