2Article 1 (1) of Directive 2012/28/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on certain permitted uses of orphan works.
3Jeremy de Beer and Mario Bouchard, Canacla' s 'Orphan Works' Regime: Unlocatable Copyright Owners and the Copyright Board--Jeremy de Beer and Mario Bouchard, December 2009, p 17.
4European Commission, Impact Assessment on the cross-border online access to orphan works, May 2011, p 11.
5Jeremy de Beer and Mario Beuchard, Canada's 'Orphan Works' Regime:Unlocatable Copyright Owners and the Copyright Beard-Jeremy de Beer and Mario Beuchard, December 2009, p 33.
6european commissionimpact assessment on the cross border online access to orphan works, May 2011,11.