

Brief Investigation Report of Qingshuigou Rock Paintings in Wenshan City,Yunnan Province
摘要 2017年,云南省文山州文山市德厚镇大龙村清水沟组发现一处内容丰富的彩绘岩画,该岩画中的手印图像是目前云南省境内发现的规模最大、手印个体数量最多的一处。2019年2月17至18日,云南省文物考古研究所、文山州文物管理所对该岩画进行了调查。根据该岩画绘制内容及风格和叠压情况,将其分为四个不同时期的作品。反映了先民自我意识的萌发及生殖崇拜的现象,体现了新石器时代晚期分布在这一地区的原始人群的生业模式。 In 2017, a rock painting site with rich content was found at Qingshuigou, Dalong village, Dehou town in Wenshan, Yunnan Province, which lies under a limestone rock shelter. It is the largest rock painting site discovered so far in Yunnan, and also with most handprint images. From February 17 th to 18 th, 2019, Yunnan Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and Wenshan Prefecture Administration of Cultural Relics jointly carried out archaeological investigation at the site, including detailed measurements, photograph and aerial photograph of the rock paintings, and conducted a field survey in its surrounding area. Stone artifacts collected around the site and coarse pottery sherds discovered in neighboring caves suggest there has been a long history of human activities in this area. According to the content and distribution of rock paintings, we divide the images into two groups from northwest to southeast. The 28 discernible images in Group A consist of an image of pregnant woman, 27 handprint images including 15 left hands, 9 right hands and 3 indistinguishable hands. A total of 54 images were documented in Group B, out of which 48 images are recognizable, including 2 human figures, 26 animals(one is black), 8 stilt houses, a girth rail, 3 solar patterns,a village sight and a hunting scene. Based on overlaying relationship, the rock paintings are divided into four different periods. The handprint images, which are stacked at the bottom, fall into the earliest period. We believe the site was a place for reproduction worship, where people prayed to the Goddess of Fertility for offspring, and the number of handprint images probably stood for numerous children or the numbers of them. The life scenes and hunting scene in Group B were created by primitive tribes living in this region during the late Neolithic Age, with meek animals arranged in a certain order, which suggests the beginning of animal domestication. For the primitive tribes, rice agriculture and livestock domestication should be their main ways of livelihood. This article preliminarily analyzes the rock paintings from the anthropological, archaeological and historical perspectives, and tries to figure out their age and living patterns of the people who created them. In the future it’s necessary to carry out further archaeological survey of rock paintings and relevant sites in this area, as well as comparative study with rock paintings in neighboring regions, such as Guangxi.
出处 《四川文物》 北大核心 2020年第4期18-25,F0003,共9页 Sichuan Cultural Relics
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“西南地区岩画资源在‘一带一路’建设中的文化优势研究”(项目编号:16BMZ083)。
关键词 手印岩画 女性生殖崇拜 年代分期 生业模式 Handprint image Reproduction worship Chronology Livelihood
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