目的摸索血站型去白细胞过滤器的最佳使用条件以提升去除白细胞红细胞(简称去白红细胞)的质量。方法收集解放军广州血液中心2018年10—12月采集的无偿献血者全血120袋(400 mL/袋),分成25℃贮存0.5 h及4℃贮存2、4、8、24和48 h 6组(20袋/组),采用1款国产血站型去白过滤器(全血专用)滤除各组白细胞,同时记录各组去白过滤用时,并分别收集各组(份)过滤前后的血样(1 mL/袋),以全自动血细胞分析仪检测其血常规,用以析出该款血站型去白过滤器适宜的使用条件。结果 1)过滤白细胞用时(min):25℃贮存0.5 h组为4.54±0.64,4℃贮存2—48 h 5组分别为6.04±0.69、7.04±1.13、8.02±1.42、8.48±2.12和9.27±2.07,除4℃贮存24与48 h组的用时相近外,其他各组(包括它们与最后2组)用时的差异较大(P<0.05)。2)白细胞去除率(%):25℃贮存0.5 h组为76.19±5.54,明显低于各4℃贮存组(P<0.05);4℃贮存4 h组达到99.74±0.69,4℃贮存8、24、48 h 3组则与之接近(P>0.05)。3)红细胞及Hb、Hct损失率(%):25℃贮存0.5 h组为1.66±1.04,4℃贮存2—48 h 5组分别为2.18±1.95、2.97±2.52、5.39±2.95、5.49±7.80和6.65±6.63,其中以4℃贮存4 h组为界,其损失率与4℃贮存2 h、25℃贮存0.5 h组相差不大(P>0.05),而明显小于4℃贮存8—48 h 3组的损失率(P<0.05);Hb和Hct损失率的变化规律与RBC相似。4)血小板及血小板比容(Pct)损失率(%):除4℃贮存48 h组的血小板损失率79.69±10.49明显低于其他各组(85%左右)(P<0.05)外,其他各组没有出现随着贮存温度变化、贮存时间的延长而发生明显变化(P>0.05),Pct损失率变化也呈现与血小板一样的规律。结论通过对采集后贮存以不同温度、时间的全血的去白处理,可以确定去白滤器的最佳应用条件、制备质量更优的去除白细胞红细胞。
Objective To evaluate the efficiency of blood banking filter for white cell(WBC) removal of red cell concentrates(RBCs) under various conditions so as to explore the optimum using of filters.Methods 120 bags of whole blood donations(400 mL/bag) were collected in Guangzhou Blood Center of PLA during October to December 2018. Six aliquots of each bag of whole blood were stored under different temperature and storage time: 0.5 h storage under 25 ℃(group 1) and 2, 4,8, 24 and 48 h storage under 4 ℃(group 2,3,4,5,6), with 20 bags each group. WBC removal of all these RBCs were performed using a domestic blood banking filter(for whole blood only). The filter time of each group were recorded. Pre-and post-filtration blood samples(1 mL) were collected;residual white cells were counted and blood routine was tested by automatic hematology analyzer, so as to explore the optimum condition for filter using.Results 1)Filter time(min):4.54±0.64 for group 1, and 6.04±0.69, 7.04±1.13, 8.02±1.42, 8.48±2.12 and 9.27±2.07 for group 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, respectively. Except for group 5 vs group 6(P>0.05), pairwise comparison in filter time between other groups demonstrated significant differences(P<0.05). 2) leukocyte removal rate(%):76.19±5.54 in group 1,which was significantly lower than that of other groups(P<0.05).The removal rate of group 3(4 h storage under 4℃) reached 99.74±0.69, which was similar with groups with group 4,5 and 6(8, 24 and 48 h storage)(P>0.05). 3) loss rate of RBC, Hb and Hct(%):loss rate of RBC was 1.66±1.04 in group 1, and 2.18±1.95, 2.97±2.52, 5.39±2.95, 5.49±7.80, and 6.65±6.63 in group 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, respectively. Obvious division in the loss rate of RBC could be noticed with group 3(4 h storage under 4℃) as the dividing point: group 4, 5, 6 were significantly higher than group1, 2 and 3(marginal differences among group1, 2 and 3, though). The similar division pattern in the loos rate of Hb and Hct(%) were demonstrated. 4)loss rate of platelet and Pct(%):loss rate of platelet was 79.69±10.49 in group 6, which was significantly lower than that in other groups(all around 85%)(P<0.05). No significant differences were observed as storage temperature changed and storage time prolonged(P<0.05).The similar change pattern was observed in Pct loss rate. Conclusion We evaluated the efficiency of blood banking filter under various conditions that might be important variables such as storage temperature and time to make sure the optimum condition for filter using.
DING Huihui;SHI Linying;CHEN Min;LI Yanhui;LI Tianren;XIE Tingting(SHAN Guiqiu.Department of Blood Transfusion Medicine,General Hospital of PLA Southern Theater Command,Guang dong 510010,China)
Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion