
庆城油田成藏条件及勘探开发关键技术 被引量:66

Accumulation conditions and key exploration and development technologies in Qingcheng oilfield
摘要 2019年中国石油长庆油田公司在鄂尔多斯盆地中生界延长组长7油层组烃源岩层系内发现了中国最大的页岩油田——庆城油田,新增探明地质储量为3.58×10~8t、预测地质储量为6.93×10~8t,合计为10.51×10~8t,实现了长7油层组页岩油勘探的历史性突破。近年来,围绕生油层内是否发育甜点区、能否形成工业产能和能否实现规模效益开发等关键难题,中国石油长庆油田公司通过持续深化成藏地质研究和不断探索关键配套技术,实现了烃源岩内油藏勘探的一系列理论认识创新和技术突破。研究结果表明,长7油层组中页岩油的成藏主要受以下因素控制:①广覆式细粒沉积组合具有整体生烃的特征,其中,黑色页岩和暗色泥岩等湖相优质烃源岩奠定了页岩油形成的物质基础;②泥页岩层系所夹持的砂质沉积物为勘探甜点段,而砂体组合的类型主要受控于湖底地形;③微米孔隙和纳米喉道的互补使得储层具有较好的储集性能;④高强度的源内充注形成了具有高含油饱和度、高气油比的油藏。这4个因素的有效组合是鄂尔多斯盆地长7油层组页岩油形成规模富集的关键。目前,通过创新关键配套技术,打造页岩油勘探开发利器,已实现页岩油规模勘探开发的实质性突破。井-震混采技术在黄土塬地区的应用使得三维地震资料品质大幅提高,可有效指导甜点区的预测;"三品质"测井技术可用于评价地质工程甜点;长水平井细分切割体积压裂技术可进一步提升单井产量,单井的初期产油量由10 t/d提高到18 t/d以上。以庆城油田为代表的长7油层组烃源岩内油藏的勘探突破为中国石油长庆油田公司二次加快发展提供了重要的资源基础。预计到2023年,长7油层组烃源岩层系的产油量可达到300×10~4t,2025年的产油量可达到500×10~4t。 In 2019,PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company discovered the Qingcheng oilfield,China’s largest shale oilfield,in the source beds of Chang 7 oil layer of Mesozoic Yanchang Formation in Ordos Basin,forming 3.58×10~8t of newly proven geological reserves and 6.93×10~8t of predicted geological reserves,10.51×10~8t in total,and achieving a historic breakthrough in shale oil exploration in Chang 7 oil layer.In recent years,concentrating on the key challenges including whether sweet spot can be developed in source beds,whether industrial capacity can be formed and whether efficient development can be realized in a large scale,PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company has achieved a series of theoretical understanding innovations and technological breakthroughs during reservoir exploration in source rocks by deepening the study of hydrocarbon accumulation mechanism and continuously exploring key supporting technologies.The research results show that shale oil accumulation in Chang 7 oil layer is mainly controlled by the following factors.First,the broad fine-grained sedimentary combination is characterized by hydrocarbon generation in the whole reservoirs,of which the lacustrine high-quality source rocks such as black shale and dark mudstone lay the material base for the formation of shale oil.Second,the sandy deposits sandwiched by shale beds are sweet spots for exploration,and the combination types of sand bodies are mainly controlled by the lakebed landform.Third,the complementarity of microscale pores and nanoscale throats results in good reservoir properties.Fourth,the high-intensity hydrocarbon charging in the source rocks has formed reservoirs with high oil saturation and gas-oil ratio.The effective combination of the above factors is the key to the large-scale enrichment of shale oil in Chang 7 oil layer of Ordos Basin.Currently,a substantial breakthrough in large-scale exploration and development of shale oil has been made by innovating key supporting technologies and creating powerful tools.The application of logging-seismic combination technology in loess tablelands has greatly improved the quality of three-dimensional seismic data,which can effectively guide the prediction of sandy sweet spots.The"three-quality"logging technology can be used to evaluate geological and engineering sweet spots.The partitioned volume fracturing of long horizontal wells can further increase single well production.The initial oil production of a single well is increased from 10 t/d to more than 18 t/d.The exploration breakthrough in the source reservoir of Chang 7 oil layer represented by Qingcheng oilfield provides an important resource foundation for the second-time accelerated development of PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company.It is estimated that by 2023,the oil production from the shale beds of Chang 7 oil layer can reach 300×10~4t and 500×10~4t in 2025.
作者 付锁堂 付金华 牛小兵 李士祥 吴志宇 周新平 刘江艳 Fu Suotang;Fu Jinhua;Niu Xiaobing;Li Shixiang;Wu Zhiyu;Zhou Xinping;Liu Jiangyan(National Engineering Laboratory of Low Permeability Oil and Gas Field Exploration and Development,Shaanxi Xi'an 710018,China;PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company,Shaanxi Xi'an 710018,China;No.8 Oil Production Plant,PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company,Shaanxi Xi'an 710021,China;School of Geosciences,China University of Petroleum(East China),Shandong Qingdao 266580,China;Research Institute of Exploration and Development,PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company,Shaanxi Xi'an 710018,China)
出处 《石油学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第7期777-795,共19页 Acta Petrolei Sinica
基金 国家科技重大专项“大型油气田及煤层气开发”(2016ZX05050,2017ZX05001-002) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目“淡水湖盆细粒沉积与富有机质页岩形成机理”(2014CB239003)资助。
关键词 延长组长7油层组 页岩油 成藏地质条件 勘探开发配套技术 庆城油田 鄂尔多斯盆地 Chang 7 oil layer of Yanchang Formation shale oil geological conditions for hydrocarbon accumulation supporting technologies for exploration and development Qingcheng oilfield Ordos Basin
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