

Ariachne’s Disturbed Woof: On the Anacoluthon in Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five
摘要 作为历史元小说的一个范本,《五号屠场》不仅呈现了作者冯内古特的战争经验,还为如何叙述历史事件提供了新的参照系。学界对其叙事策略和反战主题的研究颇多,而小说中体现出的历史意识却未引起足够的重视。借助海登·怀特的元史学思想对《五号屠场》中的历史书写进行挖掘,能够发现文本中蕴含着深刻的历史思考。小说中的内视角、作者介入和自我指涉相互作用,共同形成了整个文本的"错格",彻底悬置了传统叙事的逼真性幻觉,从而让读者意识到历史书写的虚构性。在冯内古特看来,历史和文学一样,也是一种话语。《五号屠场》一书反映出了作者"过去寓于现在"的历史意识,也让小说超越了反战这一主题意义。 As a typical historiographic metafiction,Slaughterhouse Five not only presents the author Vonnegut’s war experience,but also provides a new reference frame for the narration of historical events. While academic discussions of the novel have been largely limited to its narrative strategies and antiwar theme,no adequate importance was attached to the aspect of its historical consciousness. In light of Hayden White’s thoughts in Meta-history,this article puts an inquiry into the historical writing of Slaughterhouse Five to reveal the profound historical awareness in the text. It is found that the adoption of inside view,constant authorial intrusion and self-reflexivity interact with each other to form the anacoluthon in the whole text and thus utterly suspend the dramatic illusion of traditional narration. In this way,the readers are brought to realize the textuality of history. To Vonnegut,history,like literature,is also a discourse. Hence,Slaughterhouse Five reveals Vonnegut’s historical consciousness of the presence of the past,and transcends the genre of anti-war novel.
作者 马宁 杜学云 MA Ning;DU Xue-yun(School of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data,Hefei University,Hefei 230601;English Teaching Group,Hefei No.45 Middle School,Hefei 230001,China)
出处 《合肥学院学报(综合版)》 2020年第3期71-75,共5页 Journal of Hefei University:Comprehensive ED
基金 合肥学院2018年度院科研发展基金项目(18RW08ZDB)资助。
关键词 错格 逼真性幻觉 自我指涉 历史意识 anacoluthon dramatic illusion self-reflexivity historical awareness
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