
应急管理中的敏捷创新:基于健康码的案例研究 被引量:29

Agile Innovation in Emergency Management:A Case Study of Health Codes
摘要 面对紧急情况下的各种约束,当事方很容易陷入路径依赖,从而不能实现真正的创新。但在2019年底的新冠疫情应对中,中国健康码异军突起,实现了敏捷创新。选取最具代表性的两类健康码,基于一手访谈和公开报道资料,还原健康码从孕育到成熟的全过程,发现其模式与按部就班的传统创新几乎完全相反。通过与另外3组共6类健康码对照,归纳出打破路径依赖、实现敏捷创新所需的3个条件:制度弹性、应变能力和领导能力。结论对改进科研管理以及理解创新本质具有一定启发。 During emergent situation, it is more often to fit in path-dependence track than to bring about path-breaking innovations. Among these rare cases, the Health Code in the coronavirus endemic in the end of 2019 is however a typical example, which demonstrates the key features of agile innovation. Based on personal interviews and published information, the paper studies two most successful Health Codes, in contrast with the alternative Smart City model and other four less successful Health Codes, to show how agile innovation breaks up path dependence. As the case studies suggest, institutional laxness, responsive capability and leadership factor are the three key elements to make agile innovation work. This finding shall be able shed light on the nature of innovation and the science & technological management.
作者 史晨 耿曙 钟灿涛 Shi Chen;Geng Shu;Zhong Cantao(CCID Institute,Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,Beijing 100044,China;Department of Sociology,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China;Institute of Advanced Technology,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第16期48-55,共8页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
关键词 敏捷创新 应急管理 路径依赖 节俭创新 智慧城市 健康码 Agile Innovation Emergency Management Path Dependence Fugal Innovation Smart City Health Code
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