
基于整数尺法的独乐寺山门尺度分析 被引量:3

Main Gate in Dule Temple from the Perspective of Traditional Architecture Design Method Named Integer Scale Method
摘要 整数尺法是东亚早期的一种木结构建筑设计方法,根据研究推测这种方法曾应用于我国宋辽迄前的一些遗构。该文从整数尺法的角度对辽代遗构独乐寺山门1960年的实测数据进行分析研究,结果表明这栋建筑当初可能曾以1尺=29.05cm的营造尺尺长进行设计和施工,而整数尺寸控制现象表现在平面柱网、立面尺寸、剖面尺寸、用材尺寸、斗栱尺寸以及构件尺寸等各个方面,该文深入挖掘了独乐寺山门的建筑设计细节,对认识整数尺法这一古代建筑设计方法和丰富辽代尺度史研究具有重要的意义。 The integer scale method(Zhengshu Chifa in Chinese and Kansu Hashiraken Sei in Japanese) is a traditional architecture design method of traditional timber structure in the early period of East Asia. According to former research, this method had been used in some timber structure before the end of Chinese North Song & Liao Dynasty. We analyze the real measurement data acquired in 1960 of the Main Gate of Dule Temple from the perspective of the integer scale method. It is found that the restored length of the carpentry ruler of this building is about 29.05 cm long. And all the real measurement data of the building should have been designed by the integer scale method, and the content of the integer scale design should have been involved the column grid sizes, the facade sizes, the section sizes, the sizes of standard structure member named Cai in Chinese, the sizes of bracket set and the sizes of almost all the structure members. This study has penetrated into the details of architecture design of this building and is meaningful in both the understanding on the integer scale method and the research on the history of the scale in Chinese Liao Dynasty.
作者 叶皓然 张毅捷 戴明珠 Ye Haoran;Zhang Yijie;Dai Mingzhu
出处 《华中建筑》 2020年第9期94-101,共8页 Huazhong Architecture
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:51978574) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(编号:17YJA770022) 2018年研究生学术素养提升计划(科创竞赛培育)专题项目(编号:2018KCJS19)。
关键词 整数尺法 独乐寺山门 辽代建筑 尺度史 营造尺 Integer scale method Main gate in Dule Temple Timber structure founded in Chinese Liao Dynasty(907-1126AD) History of scale Length of carpentry"foot"(Yingtsaochi Chichang in Chinese)
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