

Research on the Particular Risk Analysis Method of Bird Strike to Aircraft
摘要 特定风险是指位于飞机外部或内部且位于被分析系统或项目外部的那些事件或影响,其可能破坏失效独立性声明[1]。鸟撞是典型的特定风险源之一,但是,目前适航文件或相关标准中并未给出鸟撞特定风险分析方法。为了充分地识别鸟撞对飞机的安全性影响,主要梳理了鸟撞安全性要求,简述了鸟撞对系统安全性的影响的分析方法,最终归纳形成了飞机鸟撞特定风险分析方法,对于保障飞机的安全飞行具有重要的意义。 Particular risks are defined as those events or influences that are external to the aircraft or within the aircraft but external to the systems and items being analyzed,which may undermine the failure independence statement[1].Bird strike is one of the classical particular risks.However,there's no recommended method for bird strike risk analysis in airworthiness documents or related standards.In order to identify the safety effect of bird strike to aircraft,the safety requirements of bird strike are summarized,and the analysis methods of the influence of bird strike on the safety of the system are briefly described,and finally a specific risk analysis method for bird strike is formed,which is of great significance for ensuring the safe flight of aircraft.
作者 黄铎佳 张蕊 韩小军 李泉 王武 HUANG Duojia;ZHANG Rui;HAN Xiaojun;LI Quan;WANG Wu(CEPREI,Guangzhou 510610,China;Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Electronic Information Products Reliability Technology,Guangzhou 510610,China;National Joint Engineering Research Center of Reliability Test and Analysis for Electronic Information Products,Guangzhou 510610,China;Aircraft Industry(Group)Company LTD,Xi'an 710089,China;Sichuan Jiuzhou Electric Group Co.,Ltd.,Mianyang 621000,China)
出处 《电子产品可靠性与环境试验》 2020年第S02期1-3,共3页 Electronic Product Reliability and Environmental Testing
基金 民用飞机专项科研基金(MJ-2017-J-92)资助。
关键词 鸟撞 鸟撞仿真 特定风险分析 飞机安全 bird strike bird strike simulation particular risk analysis aircraft safety
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