
华裔学生继承语水平影响因素研究 被引量:3

Study on the Influencing Factors of Chinese Students’ Heritage Language Proficiency
摘要 本研究使用自行编制的继承语水平影响因素问卷对华裔青少年的个体背景、语言输入、语言使用、语言态度、族群认同、家庭投入、学校教育、社区支持等情况进行调查,考查了各因素对被试继承语水平的影响。研究结果发现:(1)华裔学生继承语输入、语言使用的频率处于较低水平,主要语言交流的来源是汉语老师、祖父母、父母。(2)被试对汉语持积极亲近的态度、对自我华人身份的认同感也较强。(3)在家庭、社区、学校三类社交环境中,华裔学生对学校教育的评价最高,其次是家庭,最后是社区。(4)华人家长都强烈希望后代可以传承汉语,但较少亲身参与下一代的汉语学习。回归分析结果显示语言使用、学校教育对华裔学生汉语水平具有显著的预测作用,语言使用等7项因素可以解释继承语学习者汉语继承语水平61.4%的变异量。 This study uses a self-designed questionnaire to investigate the situation of Chinese students'individual background,language input,language use,language attitudes,ethnic identity,family role,school education and community support,and examines the influence of these factors on Chinese proficiency.The results show that(1)the frequency of Chinese students*heritage language input and use is at a low level,and the main sources of language communication are Chinese teachers,grandparents and parents.(2)The subjects have a positive attitude towards Chinese and a strong sense of identity towards their own Chinese identity.(3)Among family,community and school,Chinese students have the highest evaluation of school education,followed by family and community.(4)Chinese parents strongly hope that their kids inherit Chinese,but they seldom involve in next generation's Chinese learning.The results of regression analysis show that language use and school education can significantly predict the Chinese proficiency of the students.Language use and other seven factors can explain 61.4%variation of the learners'Chinese proficiency.
作者 原鑫 YUAN Xin
机构地区 北京华文学院
出处 《语言文字应用》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期121-132,共12页 Applied Linguistics
基金 2019年北京华文学院院级项目“华裔学生继承语水平影响因素研究”(HW-19-B01) 国家社会科学基金重大项目“汉语交际能力标准与测评体系研究”(15ZDB101)的支持。
关键词 继承语 汉语 影响因素 多元回归 heritage language Chinese influencing factors multiple regression
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