
独龙族经济社会发展的当代经验与脱贫攻坚实践——基于独龙江乡民族帮扶工作的文献与田野调查 被引量:4

Contemporary Experience of Economic and Social Development of Dulong Ethnic Group and the Practice of Poverty Alleviation——Literature Review and Field Investigation Based on Ethnic Work in Dulong River Town
摘要 独龙族世居中缅边境,分布于云南独龙江流域的河谷地带,过去经济社会发展水平相对落后,致贫原因复杂,脱贫难度较大。作为"直接过渡"、跨境和人口较少民族,其贫困状况受到党和国家领导人的高度重视,成为落实西部边疆少数民族帮扶政策的重点服务对象,2018年底,独龙族顺利实现了整族脱贫,其脱贫攻坚实践被媒体誉为"独龙江模式"。本文遵循经验研究路径,以全国唯一独龙族聚居区云南省怒江傈僳族自治州贡山独龙族怒族自治县独龙江乡为个案,运用文献、家计调查、话语分析等方法,将自"直接过渡"以来至今该地区70年的民族帮扶工作划分为四个历史阶段,对各阶段扶贫及脱贫攻坚的内容、特点进行了概括和小结,集中呈现了独龙族经济社会跨越式发展的历程,并在历史回顾的基础上总结了短期内实现整族脱贫的深层原因,一是积极探索适宜性发展模式,将现代性融入本土建构实施了差异化治理;二是保障了各体系、各产业之间、经济与文化之间的协调发展。最后,结合党的"十八"大提出的五大发展理念,以独龙族脱贫经验为借鉴,针对其他少数民族地区如何实现可持续脱贫、防止反复,提出了具体建议。 The Dulong ethnic people live on the border region between China and Myanmar are distributed in the valley of Dulong River in Yunnan Province.In the past,the level of economic and social development was relatively low,the causes behind were complex,and it was difficult for the region to fulfill poverty alleviation.As a cross-border ethnic group " transiting directly from primitive society to socialism",with less population,Dulong ethnic group has attracted the attention of top leaders of the country concerning its poverty situation and it has become the focus of implementing the policy of helping ethnic groups in the western frontier areas.At the end of 2018,the whole town was successfully lifted out of poverty,and the practice of overcoming poverty was promoted by the media as the " Dulong River Model".Based on the empirical research path,taking Dulong River Town as a case study,and adopting methods of literature review,household livelihood investigation and discourse analysis,this article divides the ethnic support work of the region for over 70 years since the " direct transition to socialism" into four historical stages.On the basis of historical review,this paper also summarizes the profound reasons for Dulong ethnic people to get rid of poverty in a short term.Firstly,the area actively explored the appropriate development model,integrated modernity into local construction,and implemented differentiated governance;secondly,the area ensured the coordinated development among various systems,industries,economy and culture.Finally,this article combines the five development ideas put forward by the 18 th National Congress of the Party,takes the experience of poverty alleviation of the Dulong ethnic area as a reference,and proposes suggestions on how to achieve sustainable poverty eradication and prevent poverty returning in other ethnic areas.
作者 杨艳 YANG Yan(School of Marxism,Dali University,Dali,Yunnan 671000)
出处 《中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期59-71,共13页 Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家民委民族理论政策研究后期资助项目“基于本土建构的差异化治理:独龙族扶贫与发展的乡土实践”(项目编号:2019-GMH-003)阶段性成果。
关键词 独龙族 经济社会发展 整族脱贫 民族帮扶工作 家计调查 Dulong economic and social development poverty alleviation of the whole ethnic group empirical research
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