
中、碱性土壤条件下黄腐酸与磷肥配施对番茄生育和磷素利用率的影响 被引量:19

Application of Fulvic Acid and Phosphorus Fertilizer on Tomato Growth,Development,and Phosphorus Utilization in Neutral and Alkaline Soil
摘要 【目的】碱性土壤降低植物对磷的吸收和利用,黄腐酸能活化土壤中的固定态磷。利用黄腐酸克服碱性土壤对磷的固定效应,提高磷肥利用率,为磷肥减施增效提供新途径。【方法】采用盆栽方式,以番茄(Solanum lycopersicum L.)‘罗拉’为供试品种,在土壤pH为6.5和8.0两种条件下,设置4个施磷(P2O5)水平(0、0.1325、0.265和0.53 g·kg^-1,分别标记为0%P、25%P、50%P和100%P);在此基础上,设不添加和添加0.08 g·kg^-1黄腐酸两种组合(分别标记为-FA和+FA),共计16个处理。研究黄腐酸与磷肥施用在中、碱性土壤条件下对番茄植株生长、产量、品质和磷素利用的影响。【结果】碱性土壤抑制番茄植株生长,降低产量、各组织磷含量和植株磷吸收量,但对番茄果实品质的形成具有促进作用。磷肥减施造成番茄生长、产量和品质下降,降低植物各组织磷含量、植株磷吸收量和肥料产量贡献率,但对磷肥利用率有一定的提升作用。本研究的任一种土壤条件和磷水平下,施用黄腐酸均可提高番茄对磷的吸收量,增加各组织磷含量,促进植株生长、果实产量和品质提升。在中性土壤条件下,施用黄腐酸与否对磷肥利用率影响不显著,且降低肥料产量贡献率;但在碱性土壤条件下,施用黄腐酸可显著提升磷肥利用率和肥料产量贡献率。此外,施用黄腐酸可使中性土壤减磷处理(50%P)下番茄的生长与产量达到全磷处理(100%P)水平,并提高番茄果实品质;这种现象在碱性土壤栽培条件下更为显著。且100%P处理下添加黄腐酸能显著提高碱性土栽培番茄的生长、产量,使其达到中性土0%P处理水平。【结论】黄腐酸有利于提高番茄的磷素利用率,促进番茄生长、产量和品质的形成,达到磷肥减施增效目的;且黄腐酸配合磷肥施用能有效缓解碱性土壤对番茄生长和产量的抑制作用。 【Objective】The phosphorus uptake and utilization of plants are reduced in alkaline soil.Fulvic acid(FA)application has effect on activating the hard-soluble phosphorus in soil.This study used FA to improve the utilization rate of phosphorus fertilizer in alkaline soil,so as to provide a new approach to reduce phosphorus fertilizer application.【Method】The tomato(Solanum lycopersicum L.)cultivar of Luo La was used as plant material,which were cultivated in the big pots with two kinds soil.Two levels of soil pH(6.5 and 8.0)with four levels of phosphorus(P2O5)fertilizer application(0,0.1325,0.265 and 0.53 g·kg^-1,separately marked as 0%P,25%P,50%P and 100%P),with or without 0.08 g·kg^-1 FA were set in this experiment.Then,it was studied the effects of 0.08 g·kg^-1 FA and phosphorus fertilizer on plant growth,yield,fruit quality and phosphorus utilization in neutral and alkaline soil.【Result】The tomato plant growth,yield,phosphorus concentrations,phosphorus uptake and fertilizer contribution were significantly reduced in alkaline soil.However,the tomato fruit quality was improved in alkaline soil.The tomato plant growth,yield and fruit quality,as well as phosphorus concentrations,phosphorus uptake and fertilizer contribution were also reduced by reducing phosphorus application.However,the phosphorus fertilizer utilization was improved in lower phosphorus levels.Application of FA had significant effects on improving phosphorus uptake and concentrations,which promoted the plant growth,yield and quality formation.Application of FA had little effect on phosphorus fertilizer utilization,which reduced fertilizer contribution in neutral soil.However,the phosphorus fertilizer utilization and fertilizer contribution were significantly enhanced by FA treatment in alkaline soil.In addition,application of FA increased levels of tomato growth and yield under 50%P treatment to that under 100%P treatment,while this enhanced effect was more significant in high pH soil.Application of FA to 100%P treatment had significant effects on improving tomato plant growth,yield in alkaline soil,which showed similar effects on that in 0%P without FA treatment in neutral soil.【Conclusion】Application of FA could improve phosphorus utilization,tomato plant growth,yield and fruit quality,which hit the mark of reducing phosphorus fertilizer application.Additionally,phosphorus fertilizer with FA application had mitigative effect of tomato growth and yield inhibition in alkaline soil.
作者 张丽丽 史庆华 巩彪 ZHANG LiLi;SHI QingHua;GONG Biao(College of Horticultural Science and Engineering,Shandong Agricultural University/State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology/Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Horticultural Crops in Huang-Huai Region,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Tai’an 271018,Shandong)
出处 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第17期3567-3575,共9页 Scientia Agricultura Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(U1903105) 山东省“渤海粮仓”科技示范工程升级版项目(2019BHLC005) 山东省重点研发计划(2019GNC106047)。
关键词 番茄 黄腐酸 生长 产量 品质 磷利用率 tomato fulvic acid growth yield quality phosphorus utilization
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