
腐败对环境政策效果影响的国际研究趋势 被引量:1

International Research Trends on the Impact of Corruption on Environmental Policy Effects
摘要 权力腐败会产生负外部效应,在环境领域亦是如此。基于1991—2018年间的35篇SSCI实证研究文章的分析,梳理了权力腐败与环境政策效果之间的关系,特别关注其因果动态关系。研究显示,学者们除关注腐败对环境政策效果指标产生的直接影响外,还关注人均GDP、人均收入、环境政策质量、法律规范、公民参与度等变量的调节和中介作用。进一步分析发现,较为发达的国家和地区,公民参与程度有利于改善环境政策效果。对于经济发展程度相对低的国家和地区,环境政策本身质量和政府治理效果显得更为重要。为改善环境质量,决策者需在致力于控制腐败和完善环境法规的基础上,根据各国经济发展程度和制度背景采取适宜措施。理解这些研究领域及其特点,对于未来环境政策效果研究至关重要。 Corruption has negative externalities,especially in the environmental arena. Based on 35 SSCI empirical research articles from 1991 to 2018,this study sorts out the relationship between government corruption and effect of environmental policy,particularly focus on its causal dynamics. The study shows that in addition to the direct impact of corruption on effect of environmental policy,scholars also pay attention to the mediation and moderator variables such as per capita GDP,per capita income,environmental policy quality,legal norms,and civic participation. Further analysis finds that citizen participation is conducive to enhance the effect of environmental policies in the more developed countries and regions. Countries and regions with relatively low economic development,the quality of environmental policy itself and the effect of government governance are more important. In order to improve environmental quality,decision-makers have to take appropriate measures based on the level of economic development and institutional background of each country on the basis of commitment to controlling corruption and improving environmental regulations. Understanding these research fields and their characteristics is essential for future research on environmental policy effects.
作者 张丽颖 苏徐红 胡象明 ZHANG Liying;SU Xuhong;HU Xiangming(School of Public Administration,Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Beijing 100083,China;Department of Political Science,University of South Carolina,Columbia 20021,U.S.)
出处 《北京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第4期69-77,共9页 Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics:Social Sciences edition Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(11&ZD173)。
关键词 腐败 环境政策 政策效果 环境质量 污染 corruption environmental policy policy effect environmental quality pollution
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