

Analysis on the Feasibility and Implementation Path of Million Enrollment Expansion in Higher Vocational Colleges Based on SWOT
摘要 2019年政府工作报告提出了高职百万扩招,引发学界内外高度热议。高职教育作为职业技术教育的重要组成部分,扩招百万生源既有缓解就业压力、为国家发展提供优质人才资源支撑、推进建设中国特色职业技术教育的优势,也有民众就读意愿低、资源匮乏等劣势;同时,具有政策支持、生源结构多元化、人才培养模式与我国倡导的校企合作方案不谋而合的机遇,面临招生、管理体制亟待优化和师资队伍建设亟待完善的双重挑战。如若利用高职百万扩招的内外优势,把握其机遇及规避可能出现的风险与挑战,就需要国家层面完善顶层设计,加大经费投入;企业深化产教融合,构建校企双元育人机制;高职院校应则着力于招生制度、管理体制的优化,加强师资队伍建设及创新人才培养模式,协同推进高职百万扩招的稳妥落实。 In 2019, the government work report announced a million enrollment expansion in higher vocational schools, which caused a high degree of heated debate inside and outside the academic circles. As an important part of vocational and technical education, higher vocational education has the advantages of relieving the pressure of employment, providing the support of high-quality talents resources for national development and promoting the construction of vocational and technical education with Chinese characteristics. They also face weaknesses such as low willingness to attend and lack of resources. At the same time, it has the opportunity of policy support, diversified student resources structure, the mode of talent training and the cooperation scheme of school and enterprise advocated by our country, and the dual challenges of enrollment and management system urgently need to be optimized and perfected. If we take advantage of the internal and external advantages of millions of enrollment expansion in higher vocational colleges, grasp the opportunities and avoid the risks and challenges that may arise, we need to improve the top-level design at the national level and increase the investment of funds. Enterprises should deepen the integration of production and education and build a dual education mechanism;Higher vocational colleges should focus on the optimization of enrollment system and management system, strengthen the construction of teachers and innovative talent training mode, and promote the steady implementation of millions of enrollment expansion in higher vocational colleges.
作者 李妍 李艳莉 LI Yan;LI Yanli
出处 《职教通讯》 2020年第7期36-42,共7页 Communication of Vocational Education
关键词 职业技术教育改革 百万扩招 SWOT vocational and technical education reform enrollment expansion by one million SWOT
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