
城市针灸视角下历史街区保护与更新的思考 被引量:7

On the Protection and Renewal of Historical Districts From the Perspective of Urban Acupuncture
摘要 城市化进程中,城市的发展与扩张伴随着经济重心转移与人口结构变化,导致部分或较多历史街区因诸多原因日渐衰落,造成了本土文脉的式微以及文化财富的流失。文章以探索历史街区保护与更新方式为目的,在城市针灸理念的视角下,以现阶段中国历史街区现状为基,思考历史街区的保护与更新方式,将城市消极空间视为病源、历史街道视为穴位,以城市针灸为治疗方法,结合实际案例分析如何以"微创式""渐进式"的城市针灸理念,疏通文化血脉,活化消极空间,达到保护街道生态与肌理、提升街道活力及重构邻里关系的效果,从而对历史街区的保护与更新工作从文态、形态、业态上如何进展发起讨论,以期为历史街区的保护与更新提供新的思路。 In the process of urbanization, the development and expansion of cities are accompanied by the shift of economic center and the change of population structure, which leads to the decline of historical blocks for many reasons and the decline of local context. The purpose of this paper is to explore the ways of protection and renewal of historical blocks. From the perspective of urban acupuncture concept, based on the current situation of domestic historical blocks, this paper considers the ways of protection and renewal of historical blocks, regards the negative space of the city as the source of disease, the historical Street as the acupoint, the urban acupuncture as the treatment method, and analyzes how to use "minimally invasive" and "progressive" with practical cases Based on the concept of urban acupuncture and moxibustion, we can dredge the cultural blood, activate the negative space, protect the street ecology and texture, enhance the street vitality and reconstruct the neighborhood relationship.Finally, we can draw the conclusion that the protection and renewal of historical blocks should dredge the culture, strengthen the capital in the form and activate the industry in the form, so as to provide ideas for the protection and renewal of historical blocks.
作者 褚海峰 丁兆茏 刘亚军 Chu Hai-feng;Ding Zhao-long;Liu Ya-jun(School of Art&Design,Guilin University of Electronic Technology,Guilin,Guangxi,541004;School of Design,Guangxi Normal University,Guilin,Guangxi,541006)
出处 《湖南包装》 2020年第4期29-32,共4页
基金 2018年度教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金一般项目(编号:18YJA760009) 2019年度广西研究生教育创新计划项目(编号:XYCSW2019031) 2019年度广西研究生教育创新计划项目(编号:JGY2019081)。
关键词 城市针灸 历史街区 保护更新 街道活力 Urban Acupuncture Historical District Conservation and Renewal Street Vitality
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