
不同粗饲料育肥青海藏系羊的效果研究 被引量:6

Effect of Different Roughage on Fattening Qinghai Tibetan Sheep
摘要 为实现以草定畜,减轻青海高原地区放牧压力,开展牛羊"西繁东育"异地育肥工作,选择5~6月龄青海藏系羊60只,随机分为三组,每组20只,在同等补饲精饲料基础上分别饲喂燕麦青干草、裹包燕麦青贮饲草和裹包全株玉米青贮粗饲料30 d结果为:(1)裹包燕麦青贮饲草粗蛋白(CP)、粗脂肪(EE)、粗灰分(CA)较燕麦青干草分别提高94.23%、95.30%和31.53%,粗纤维(CF)和无氮浸出物(NFE)分别降低11.14%和6.07%;裹包全株玉米青贮饲草CP、EE、CA、NFE较燕麦青干草分别提高70.73%、62.42%、7.83%、24.23%,CF降低44.75%;裹包燕麦青贮饲草CP、EE、CA、CF较裹包全株玉米青贮饲草分别提高13.77%、20.25%、21.97%、34.36%,NFE降低24.38%。(2)裹包燕麦青贮饲草日均饲草采食量和粗蛋白摄入量为3.41 kg和85.33 g,较燕麦青干草增加均非常明显(P<0.01),较裹包全株玉米青贮饲草日均饲草采食量增加明显(P<0.05),粗蛋白摄入量增加非常明显(P<0.01);裹包燕麦青贮饲草和裹包全株玉米青贮饲草只日均干物质采食量较燕麦青干草减少均非常明显(P<0.01)。(3)裹包燕麦青贮饲草和裹包全株玉米青贮饲草只均日增重为163.08 g和136.45 g,较燕麦青干草日增重增加均非常明显(P<0.01),试验期只均盈利较燕麦青干草分别多盈利55.05元和29.4元;裹包燕麦青贮饲草日增重较裹包全株玉米青贮饲草增加不明显(P<0.05),只均盈利提高了57.13%。表明燕麦和全株玉米粗饲料通过青贮发酵能够改善饲草品质和适口性,基本保留青绿饲草营养物质和成分,提高饲草采食量,增加肉奶产量,提高养殖经济效益,值得在青海牛羊"西繁东育"异地育肥中大力推广应用。 In order to determine livestock with grass,reduce grazing pressure in Qinghai Plateau,and carry out fattening work of cattle and sheep"West pasture Raised in east".60 Qinghai Tibetan sheep aged 5~6 months were randomly dividedinto three groups with 20 sheep in each group.On the basis of the same supplementary concentrate,oat hay,oat-wrapped silage grass and wrapped whole-plant corn silagewere respectively fed for 30 d.The results were as follow:(1)The crude protein(CP),crude fat(EE)and crude ash(CA)of oat-wrapped silage grassincreased by 94.23%,95.30% and 31.53%,respectively,and the crude fiber(CF)and nitrogen-free extract(NFE)decreased by 11.14%and 6.07%,respectively.CP,EE,Ca and NFE of wrapped whole-plant corn silage increased by 70.73%,62.42%,7.83% and 24.23%,respectively,and CF decreased by 44.75%.CP,EE,Ca and CF of wrapped oat silage increased by 13.77%,20.25%,21.97% and 34.36%,respectively,and NFE decreased by 24.38%.(2)The average daily forage intake and crude protein intake of wrapped oat silage were 3.41 kg and 85.33 g,which were significantly higher than those of oat hay(P<0.01),and significantly higher than that of wrapped whole-plant corn silage(P<0.05),and the increase of crude protein intake was not obvious(P<0.01).(3)Average daily gain of wrapped oat silage and wrapped whole-plant corn silage was 163.08 g and 136.45 g,which were significantly higher than that of oat hay(P<0.01).The average profit of wrapped oat silage was 55.05 yuan and 29.4 yuan higher than that of oat hay.The daily gain of wrapped oat silage was not significantly higher than that of wrapped whole-plant corn silage(P>0.05),but the average profit increased by 57.13%.The increase was not obvious(P>0.05),but the average profit increased by 57.13%.The results showed that the forage quality and palatability of oat and whole-plant corn roughage by silage fermentation could improve fermentation quality and palatability,the nutrients and components of green forage were basically retained,forage intake,meat and milk yield were increased,and the economic benefits of breeding were improved.It is worth popularizing and applying in Qinghai cattle and sheep"West pasture Raised in east".
作者 刚永和 GANG Yonghe(Haidong Ledu Grassland Station,Haidong 810700,China)
出处 《东北农业科学》 北大核心 2020年第3期55-59,共5页 Journal of Northeast Agricultural Sciences
基金 2017年青海省海东市乐都区粮改饲发展草食畜牧业试点项目(2017-QNXC-014)。
关键词 粗饲料 青海藏系羊 异地育肥 日增重 只均盈利 Roughage Qinghai Tibetan sheep Fattening in other places Daily gain Average Profit
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