
开放学校教育:以英联邦学习共同体“开放创新学校教育”模式为例 被引量:3

Open schooling:the case of COL’s Open and Innovative Schooling(OIS)model
摘要 虽然我们在普及基础教育方面取得进展,但是失学儿童和“不就业、不上学或不参加培训”的青年(尼特族[NEET])为数仍然非常可观。开放学校教育可能成为应对这个问题的一种方法。开放学校教育采用远程开放和e-Learning方法,既为已经离开学校教育体系的儿童和青年提供灵活的重新学习机会,也能丰富传统课堂学习体验,提高传统全日制学生的留住率和学习成绩。本文分析了英联邦学习共同体支持六个国家实施“开放创新学校教育”模式的最新进展,总结已取得并正被用于指导另外两个国家开放学校教育的经验。这些经验涉及内容、教师、管理人员和技术等方面,即我们所提出的变革理论的四个主要支柱。这个模式仍然相对较新,但是随着更多国家准备从阶段1转入阶段2的试点,我们已经对这项工作有了一些深入认识,这些经验对于有兴趣或正在参与开放学校教育项目的其他人士可能有所帮助。目前得出的主要经验是,虽然向失学儿童和尼特族提供学校教育的挑战非常紧迫,但是系统开展开放学校教育需要假以时日,不能操之过急。 Despite progress towards universal basic education,there are still large numbers of out of school children(OOSC)and not in employment,education or training(NEET)youth.Open schooling may be one way to address this education crisis.Open schooling involves the use of open,distance and e-learning(ODeL)methods both to provide flexible routes to re-engagement for children and youth already out of the system as well as to enrich the traditional classroom experience to improve retention and success among traditional day scholars.This article explores the Commonwealth of Learning’s(COL’s)most recent work in supporting an open and innovative schooling model in six countries.It identifies the lessons of experience to date which are currently informing engagements in two more countries,regarding content,teachers,managers and technology,the four key pillars of our theory of change.The model is still relatively new,but with most countries now poised to transition from Phase 1 developing to Phase 2 piloting,some useful insights have emerged which may be helpful for other role-players interested in or engaging with open schooling initiatives.Our major lesson has been that despite the urgency of the challenge,it takes time to engage systemically.
作者 肖俊洪(译) Tony John Mays(Commonwealth of Learning)
出处 《中国远程教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第9期16-28,76,共14页 Chinese Journal of Distance Education
关键词 失学儿童 尼特族(不就业、不上学或不参加培训) 开放学校教育 开放学校教育一揽子计划 开放创新学校教育模式 远程开放和e-Learning 英联邦学习共同体 变革理论 out-of-school-children(OOSC) not in education,employment,or training(NEET) open schooling Open Schooling portfolio Open and Innovative Schooling model open,distance,and eLearning(ODeL) Commonwealth of Learning(COL) theory of change
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