
玉米转基因成分的检测 被引量:5

Detection of transgenic ingredients in maize
摘要 基于实时荧光PCR技术,通过构建阳性质控,对一种玉米样品进行多种转基因成分分析。首先,筛选出玉米样品中常见的外源转基因片段,构建阳性质粒并对阳性质粒进行验证;然后,对样品中可能含有的调控元件、目的基因以及筛选基因进行检测分析。实时荧光PCR检测结果表明,转基因玉米样品中含有2种启动子(pCaMV35S和pRice-Actin)、2种终止子(tNOS和tCaMV35S)、3种目的基因[Cry1A(c)、CP4-EPSPS和CTP2-CP4-EPSPS]以及1种筛选基因(PMI)。因此所检测的玉米样品中含有多种转基因成分,推测其转基因玉米样品含有多种转基因玉米品系。 In this study,multiple transgenic components of a maize sample were analyzed by constructing positive quality control based on real-time PCR.Firstly,the exogenous transgenic fragments commonly found in maize samples were screened,and the positive plasmids were constructed verified.Then,the possible regulatory elements,target genes and screening genes in the samples were analyzed.The results of real-time PCR showed that the transgenic maize samples contained two promoters(pCaMV35S and pRice-Actin),two terminators(tNOS and tCaMV35S),three target genes(Cry1A(c),CP4-EPSPS and CTP2-CP4-EPSPS)and a screening gene(PMI).Therefore,the tested maize samples contain many transgenic ingredients,and it is speculated that the transgenic corn samples contain many transgenic maize strains.
作者 于园 刘国强 苏圣淋 罗建兴 郭梁 YU Yuan;LIU Guo-qiang;SU Sheng-lin;LUO Jian-xing;GUO Liang(Xilingol Vocational College, Xilinhot 026000, China;Xilingol Institute of Bioengineering, Xilinhot 026000, China;Xilingol Food Testing and Risk Assessment Center, Xilinhot 026000, China)
出处 《江苏农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期836-841,共6页 Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 锡林郭勒职业学院科研课题(ZD-2019-01,ZD-2020-03)。
关键词 玉米 实时荧光PCR 转基因 分析 maize real-time PCR transgenic analysis
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