
网络直播内容价值感知与顾客契合 被引量:29

A Study on Internet Live Broadcasting Content Value Perception and Consumer Engagement
摘要 在网络直播电商竞争加剧的背景下,如何引导顾客契合并获取有利可图的顾客忠诚成为直播参与企业关心的问题。在以访谈和问卷调研法获取消费者的网络直播内容价值感知和顾客契合之间关系基础上进行的研究发现,消费者对信息型和情感型内容的注意力差异明显,网络主播专业互动和网络直播间背景氛围对顾客契合度影响较高,直播内容的情感价值相对信息价值对顾客契合度影响较低。具体表现为网络直播内容的功能价值感知、社交价值感知与消费者认知、行为正相关,娱乐价值感知与消费者情感相关性较强,商品供应链服务价值感知与消费者行为相关性次之,商品财务价值感知与消费者情感负相关。对主播而言,对特定细分市场和群体的特定产品服务的引导、讲授,是其专业技能的重要组成部分,有“温度”的专业内容输出会满足消费者社交、尊重等高层次需要;对企业而言,需要跳出单向甚至双向传播的思维,寻求三方乃至多方通话,将自己定位为对话的促成者,引导顾客契合,实现协同型共建;内容平台应充分利用流量和内容优势进行垂直化、细分小众化的服务行业直播,满足人的多种需要;而电商平台则应以差异化的前台服务满足消费者的个性化需求,以标准化的后台服务满足消费者的效率需求。 With the dramatically increasing competition of internet live broadcasting e-commerce,how to guide consumer engagement and gain profitable consumer loyalty has become the enterprises’concerns.The authors study the connection between internet live broadcasting content perception and consumer engagement by using interview and questionnaire.It turns out that consumers pay significant different attention to the information type content and emotional type content.The professional interactives of internet hosts and the background atmosphere of the broadcasting rooms has greater impact on consumer engagement;and the information value of internet live broadcasting content is more precious than its emotional value.It is also found that content functional perception and social perception are positively correlated with consumer cognition and behavioral participation.The correlation between content entertainment perception and consumer emotional participation is the most obvious,which followed by the correlation between merchandise supply chain service perception and consumer behavioral participation,while the merchandise financial perception is negatively correlated with consumer emotional participation.For the hosts of live broadcasting,the guidance and lecture of certain products or services for certain segmented market and group is the important components of their specialty,and the“warm”output of the special contents will meet the high-level demand of consumer social interaction and respect.For the enterprises,they should try to promote dialog among three or multi parties,and make the enterprises themselves to be the promoter of this dialog,guide consumer engagement,and realize the coordinated co-building.For the content platforms,they should fully take advantage of clout and content to carry out the vertical live broadcasting for certain group of consumers with special interest.And for e-commerce platforms,they should meet consumers’individual demand with the help of differentiated front-desk service,and consumers’demand in terms of efficiency with the help of standardized back-desk service.
作者 孟艳华 罗仲伟 廖佳秋 MENG Yan-hua;LUO Zhong-wei;LIAO Jia-qiu(Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 102488,China;Century College,Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Beijing 102101,China;Institute of Industrial Economics,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100836,China;Paris School of Business,Paris 75013,France)
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第9期56-66,共11页 China Business and Market
关键词 网络直播 内容 价值感知 顾客契合 注意力 internet live broadcasting content value perception consumer engagement attention
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