

Relying on“Famous Teachers Studio”of Middle School to Improve Teaching Practice Ability of Normal Students
摘要 2018年9月30日教育部发布《关于实施卓越教师培养计划2.0的意见》,提出“通过实施卓越教师培养,造就一批教育情怀深厚、专业基础扎实、勇于创新教学、善于综合育人和具有终身学习发展能力的高素质专业化创新型中学教师”[1]。提升师范生教学实践能力是当前师范生培养的重点。中学“名师工作室”是以名师领衔的教师发展共同体,以“名师工作室”为平台,构建“观摩—细解—反思—实践”的培养模式,能有效提升师范生教学实践能力,涵育师范生从师素养,助推师范生专业发展。 On September 30,2018,the Ministry of Education issued the“opinions on the implementation of the excellent teacher training program 2.0”,proposing that through the implementation of excellent teacher training,we will bring up a group of high-quality,professional and innovative middle school teachers with deep educational feelings,solid professional foundation,innovative teaching,comprehensive education and lifelong learning ability.Therefore,it is important to improve the teaching practice ability of normal school students.The“famous teachers studio”of middle school is a community of teacher development led by master,and it is a platform of“famous teachers studio”that can effectively improve the teaching practice ability of normal school students,cultivate their teacher-training qualities,and promote their professional development.
作者 邵兰琴 平源 SHAO Lan-qin;PING Yuan(Harbin Normal University,Harbin 150025,China)
机构地区 哈尔滨师范大学
出处 《林区教学》 2020年第9期104-107,共4页 Teaching of Forestry Region
基金 黑龙江省高校教育教学改革项目“基于教师核心素养的历史学专业师范生培养问题研究”(SJGY20180277)的阶段性成果之一。
关键词 名师工作室 师范生 教学实践能力 famous teachers studio normal students teaching practice ability
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