
运用5W理论评估北京市怀柔区新型冠状病毒肺炎防控初期健康传播效果 被引量:1

Evaluation of health communication efficiency during early stage of coronavirus disease 2019 prevention and control in Huairou district of Beijing using the 5 W theory
摘要 目的运用健康教育5 W理论全方位评估北京市怀柔区新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19)疫情防控期间健康传播工作及其效果,为政府今后在传染病应急事件中采取有效的公众健康教育和健康引导提供理论与实践经验。方法2020年3月中旬,汇总COVID-19疫情期间怀柔区疫情防控宣传资料,从传播者、传播内容、传播途径、受众人群等方面综合分析怀柔区疫情早期防控宣传的特点,并利用“北京市怀柔区疾病预防控制中心”微信,采用在线问卷调查的方式,调查居民对疫情期间健康传播平台的使用与评价,以及防疫核心知识知晓率,评估健康传播效果。结果怀柔区疫情防控初期阶段传播的健康教育信息均来自于权威机构,内容涵盖个人、社区、单位和重点场所防控,传播渠道覆盖广播电视等传统媒体、网络媒体、自媒体、社区宣传平台等,传播对象涵盖普通民众和隔离人员、复产复工等重点人群。问卷调查结果显示,居民获取防控知识渠道排在前三位的是官方媒介(90.32%)、主流媒体(85.97%)、社区居委会宣传平台(52.55%);居民相关知识知晓率前三位为COVID-19隔离时间(98.69%)、开窗通风的方法(97.01%)、COVID-19症状(96.68%);但是洗手,咳嗽、打喷嚏和戴口罩等关键行为的正确率不足50%。结论怀柔区疫情防控初期的健康传播做到了内容全面、传播途径广泛、人群全面,并取得了一定的效果,但关键技术传播和行为指导方面还需要进一步加强。 Objective We used the“5 W Theory”to comprehensively evaluate the efficiency of health communication during the prevention and control of coronavirus diseases 2019(COVID-19)in Huairou district of Beijing,to provide theoretical and practical experience for the government so that in future infectious disease emergencies effective measures of public health education and guidance could be taken.Methods The authors gathered materials on COVID-19 prevention and control in Huairou district during the epidemic in mid-march.The characteristics of early prevention and control of COVID-19 in Huairou district were analyzed from the aspects of communicators,contents,channels and audience.An online questionnaire survey was conducted on the WeChat official account“Beijing Huairou District Center for Disease Control and Prevention”to investigate the use and appraisal of different health communication platforms during the epidemic,as well as residents’awareness of the core knowledge of COVID-19 prevention,to evaluate the effectiveness of health communication.Results The health education information in the early stage of the epidemic in Huairou district came from authoritative institutions.The content covered COVID-19 prevention of individuals,communities,companies and key places.Communication channels covered radio,television and other traditional media,internet media,new social media,community publicity platforms and other channels.Communication audience included general population as well as key groups such as the quarantined and people returning to work.According to the survey,the top three channels for residents to acquire prevention and control knowledge were government authority media(90.32%),mainstream media(85.97%),and community neighborhood committee publicity platform(52.55%).The top three facts about COVID-19 that residents were most aware of were the time of quarantine(98.69%),methods of ventilation(97.01%),and the symptoms(96.68%),but the awareness rate of how to correctly wash hands,cough and sneeze,wear facemasks and other key behaviors were less than 50%.Conclusions In the early stage of COVID-19 prevention and control in Huairou district,health communication content was comprehensive,the channels was extensive,had reached a heterogeneous audience,and achieved certain effect,but the communication of key skills and behavior guidance need to be further strengthened.
作者 孙娅娟 王利静 胡海燕 SUN Ya-juan;WANG Li-jing;HU Hai-yan(Huairou District Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Beijing 101400,China)
出处 《首都公共卫生》 2020年第3期145-149,共5页 Capital Journal of Public Health
关键词 新型冠状病毒肺炎 健康传播 5W理论 评估 Coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) Health communication 5W theory Evaluation
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