
葡萄胚挽救技术优化及无核和玫瑰香味新种质创制 被引量:11

Optimization of Embryo Rescue Technique and Production of Potential Seedless Grape Germplasm with Rosy Aroma
摘要 【目的】研究葡萄玫瑰香味性状,为无核香味葡萄育种提供重要的材料基础,探究亲本基因型、胚发育形态以及生长调节剂对胚萌发的影响,进一步优化无核×玫瑰香味组合胚挽救体系,并结合分子标记技术初步对杂交后代进行无核性状鉴定。【方法】利用顶空固相微萃取结合气质联用方法,对10个玫瑰香味和无玫瑰香味葡萄品种的果实香味物质含量进行测定,从中筛选出浓香型品种作为亲本;结合课题组前期研究结果,以6个玫瑰香味品种为父本,5个欧洲无核品种为母本,配置13个杂交组合;无菌条件下,从幼果中剥离杂种胚珠,离体黑暗培养8周,随后将发育的杂种幼胚接种于添加不同激素浓度和比例的胚萌发培养基中,通过优化胚萌发培养基配方,提高幼胚萌发率和成苗率。幼苗经温室炼苗后,将成活的F1代移栽至大田。利用分子标记早期辅助选择具有无核性状的F1代杂种株系。【结果】萜烯类物质是玫瑰香味的主要呈香物质,8个玫瑰香味品种均能检测到萜烯类物质,其总含量为0.0246—1.3824。筛选出‘亚历山大’‘阳光玫瑰’‘玫瑰香’等玫瑰香味物质含量相对较高的品种,可作为杂交亲本,用于创制兼具无核和玫瑰香味新种质;利用胚挽救技术从13个杂交组合获得杂种株系1284个,移栽成活697株;以‘红宝石无核’和‘火焰无核’作为母本的后代成苗率较高,以‘阳光玫瑰’‘爱神玫瑰’‘红亚历山大’为父本的胚挽救成苗较好,其中‘红宝石无核’ב爱神玫瑰’杂交后代胚发育率和成苗率相对较高,分别为48.59%和51.71%;幼胚萌发率以WPM为基础培养基,添加1.0 mg·L^-1 KT+0.5 mg·L^-1NAA+1.0 mg·L^-1 ZT的生长调节剂时较高,达11.33%,高于对照的7.41%;分别利用3种无核相关分子标记GLSP1-569、SCF27-2000和SCC8-1018,对101个株系进行无核性状检测,表明使用不同的标记在27个株系均检测到特异性条带,初步确定以上携带无核特异条带的株系为无核株系。【结论】‘亚历山大’和‘阳光玫瑰’的香味物质含量高,并且与欧洲葡萄杂交后其胚挽救效率高,是合适的香味父本材料;而‘红宝石无核’‘火焰无核’适合作为母本。胚萌发培养时,以WPM培养基添加适当浓度的KT及ZT有较好的促生根效果。通过分子标记对杂交F1代无核性状检测率为26.73%。目前开发的玫瑰香味标记较少,本研究获得的杂种后代可为研究玫瑰香味基因标记提供重要的试材。 【Objective】The aim of this study was to investigate the grape scent traits to provide important material basis for seedless aroma grape breeding.By exploring the parental genotype,embryo development morphology and growth regulator on embryo rescue efficiency,further optimizing the seedless×muscat scent combined embryo rescue system,and molecular marker technology was used to initially identify seedless traits of hybrid offspring.【Method】Headspace solid phase micro-extraction(HS-SPME)combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry technique was used to determine the content of aromatic substances in the grapes of 10 different muscat-scented and non-muscat scented varieties.Excellent aroma varieties were selected as parents,then combined with the previous research results of the group,13 cross-combinations,including 6 female parents and 5 male parents,were used to obtain new grapevines with seedlessness and aroma.Under aseptic conditions,the ovules were cultured from young fruits in the dark for 8 weeks.The developed hybrid embryos were inoculated in a variety of embryo germination media,with different concentrations and different proportions of hormones to assess and improve the germination rate and germination seedling rate.After the embryo developed into plants,they were placed in the greenhouse for hardening,the survived F1 generation was transplanted to the field.The molecular marker technology was used to select the seedless characters of F1 hybrid lines in the early stage.【Result】Among 10 table grapes,it was the terpenes that determined the aroma of muscat,which could be detected in 8 muscat scent varieties,and the content of which ranged from 0.0246 to 1.3824.Based on the above evaluation,‘Muscat of Alexandria’,‘Shine-Muscat’and‘Muscat Hamburg’were selected to create new seedless aroma germplasm because their high levels of terpenoids.The study showed 1284 progeny were obtained by embryo rescue technique,and 697 of them survived after transplanting into field.Ruby Seedless and Flame Seedless with a higher seedling rate were suitable as female parent in embryo rescue.Muscat Hamburg and Shine-Muscat proved as the better male parents.Among them,the embryo development rate and seedling formation rate of Ruby seedless×Aishenmeigui were the highest,at 48.59%and 51.71%,respectively.The germination rate was the highest when embryos were inoculated into WPM as based medium,and the growth regulator(1.0 mg·L^-1 KT+0.5 mg·L^-1 NAA+1.0 mg·L^-1 ZT)was added,which was 11.33%,higher than the control which was 7.41%.Three molecular markers GLSP1-569,SCF27-2000 and SCC8-1018 were selected for detecting the cross parents and hybrid progenies.The results showed that 27 out of 101 hybrid strains had seedless genes.【Conclusion】Muscat of Alexandria and Sunshine-Muscat had a high scent content,and the embryo rescue efficiency was high after crossing with European grapes,which was a suitable scented parent material.Ruby Seedless and Flame Seedless was suitable as female parent.During embryo germination and culture,using WPM medium as the basic medium,adding appropriate concentrations of KT and ZT had a better effect of promoting root growth.The seedless traits of hybrid F1 generation were detected by molecular markers,and the seedless rate was 26.73%.At present,few aroma markers have been developed,so the hybrid offspring obtained in this study could provide an important material basis for the further study of aroma gene markers.
作者 贾姗姗 骆强伟 李莎莎 王跃进 JIA ShanShan;LUO QiangWei;LI ShaSha;WANG YueJin(College of Horticulture,Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University/State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology in Arid Areas/Ministry of Agriculture Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Biology and Germplasm Innovation in Northwest,Tangling 712100,Shaanxi;Institute of Grapes and Melons on the Research in Xinjiang,Shanshan 838200,Xinjiang)
出处 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第16期3344-3355,共12页 Scientia Agricultura Sinica
基金 国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-29-yc-3)。
关键词 葡萄 香味性状 胚挽救 分子标记辅助选择 无核 grapevine aromatic characteristic embryo rescue marker-assisted selection seedlessness
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