We investigate photon coalescence in a lossy non-Hermitian system and study a dynamic device modeled by a beam splitter with an extra intrinsic phase term added in the transformation matrix,with which the device is a lossy non-Hermitian linear system.The two-photon interference behavior is altered accordingly since this extra intrinsic phase affects the unitary of transformation and the coalescence of the incoming photons.We calculate the coincidence between two single-photon pulses,considering the interferometric phase between two pulses and the extra intrinsic phase as the tunable parameters.The extra phase turns the famous Hong–Ou–Mandel dip into a bump,with the visibility dependent on both the interferometric phase and the extra phase.
Zhiqiang Ren
Rong Wen
任志强;温荣;陈洁菲(State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy,School of Physics and Electronic Science,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China)
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11674100 and 11654005)
the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai(Grant No.16ZR1448200)
the Shanghai Rising-Star Program(Grant No.17QA1401300).