

Random Talk about Zhao Huaiyu’s Acceptance of Tang Shunzhi
摘要 唐顺之作为一代巨子,文法唐宋,称誉今古;学期致用,垂范后世;著述宏富,名重天下;文武兼擅。荆川先生对后世影响深远,尤其是常州作为其桑梓之地,遗泽所至,后学浸染涵濡,靡然向风,遂使清代常州文化继往开来,臻于鼎盛。后学之中,赵怀玉庶几为典型例证。赵怀玉对唐顺之的接受,主要表现在诗文、事功及书法方面。诗文方面,尤重唐顺之古文创作成就,认为其人对常州古文创作有首发之功;事功方面,固然满含尊崇,不过对唐顺之晚岁之出,也稍有微辞;书法方面,则关涉到唐顺之书法的风格与地位、李邕书法在明代的接受与传承,由此还可对董其昌书法渊源再作思考,对明代书学研究或可有着较为重要的参考价值。总而言之,研究赵怀玉对唐顺之的接受,可以从中细绎常州文化转捩的关键之处,进而蠡测乾嘉常州文坛高峰林立的渊源,可能正在于乾嘉常州文人对待前贤,尊重而不盲目,接受而不步趋,心摹手追,融会贯通,终得自树新帜,蔚为大观。 Tang Shunzhi,a celebrated writer in Ming Dynasty,was famous for his works in Tang and Song dynasties.His reputation and affection for future generations is attributed to his abundant works and excelling at both civil and military for thousand years.Mr.Tang had a profound influence on later generations,especially on Changzhou as his hometown.Later generations learned from him and formed the ethos,thus transmitting Changzhou culture of the Qing Dynasty continue to advance and reach its peak.In the late history,Zhao Huaiyu was probably a typical example.Zhao Huaiyu’s acceptance of Tang Shunzhi was mainly manifested in poetry,meritorious service and calligraphy.In terms of poetry and prose,Tang Shunzhi’s achievements in ancient prose creation are especially emphasized.In terms of achievement,of course,he was full of respect,but he was a little confused about his appointment as an officer in his old age.In the aspect of calligraphy,it was related to the style and status of Tang Shunzhi’s calligraphy,the acceptance and inheritance of Li Yong’s calligraphy in Ming Dynasty,which could also remind us of the origin of Dong Qichang’s calligraphy and whether it had important reference value for the study of calligraphy in Ming Dynasty.In a word,by studying Zhao Huaiyu’s acceptance of Tang Shunzhi,we can carefully observe the key points of the transition of Changzhou culture,and then study the origin of the flourishing literary community in Changzhou.The admiration lied in respect and reception of the former literati with clear judgement,following with true heart,learning from systematic aspects,resulting in their own great view and target.
作者 蓝士英 LAN Shiying(School of Arts and Social Science,Jiangsu University of Technology,Changzhou 213001,China)
出处 《江苏理工学院学报》 2020年第3期37-42,共6页 Journal of Jiangsu University of Technology
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“清代诗人别集丛刊”(14ZDB076) 江苏省哲学社会科学一般项目“赵怀玉年谱长编”(19ZWB006)。
关键词 赵怀玉 唐顺之 常州文人 阳湖文派 Zhao Huaiyu Tang Shunzhi Changzhou literati Yanghu School
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