

Study on groundwater environment change caused by groundwater exploitation and river water retaining project in weihe river valley,baoji city
摘要 在充分收集和利用已有资料的基础上,通过分析地面调查、测绘、实际取样及及室内测试分析等工作手段得到的数据,对宝鸡市渭河河谷区地下水开采及河流拦水工程引发的地下水水位、水质和水化学变化等环境变化进行详细的分析,提出相关人类活动所引发的地下水环境问题,并总结出相应的结论和治理建议,结果表明:研究区内潜水基本上仍处于疏干状态,在靠近北部黄土塬的局部地段仍有潜水存在。区内承压水在2000年以后在人工减少开采和禁采的干预下,快速回升,至2014已经恢复至上世纪70年代的水平,现阶段水位仍在缓慢恢复中;同时由于研究区属于渭河漫滩区,其地层颗粒相对较粗,地表的污染物相对于其它地区,更容易进入地下,污染地下水,因此应加强对宝鸡市现有城市活动运行对与地下岩土体的污染关系研究,掌握详细污染机理,结合区内地下水交替较快的特点,开展污染治理,减少城市建设活动对地下水体的污染。为更有效的实施水环境保护提供依据。 On the basis of fully collecting and using the existing data,through the analysis of the ground and sampling survey of surveying and mapping and indoor work means such as test and analysis of data,of weihe river valley area of groundwater exploitation and baoji LanShui engineering caused by water quality and water level,water chemical changes such as a detailed analysis of environment change,proposed relevant groundwater environmental problems which caused by the human activities,and summarizes the corresponding conclusions and management Suggestions,the results showed that: The groundwater in the study area is still basically in a state of dredging. There are still some groundwater in some parts of the loess plateau in the north of the study area. After 2000,the confined water in the area recovered rapidly under the intervention of artificial reduction and prohibition of mining. By 2014,it has recovered to the level of 1970 s,and the water level is still slowly recovering at this stage. At the same time as the study area belongs to the Yellow River through the wei river,its formation grain is relatively coarse,contaminants on the surface of the earth relative to other areas,more easily into the underground,groundwater pollution,so we should strengthen to baoji city existing activity runs to research the relationship between the pollution of underground rock mass control pollution mechanism in detail,according to the characteristics of the groundwater alternation faster in pollution control,reduce the pollution of the urban construction activity of underground water provide the basis for more effective implementation of the water environment protection.
作者 张锦 侯喜燕 张鑫鑫 杜明 ZHANG Jin;HOU Xi-yan;ZHANG Xin-xin;DU Ming(Shaanxi engineering survey and research institute co.,LTD.,xi'an,shaanxi 710068,China)
出处 《地下水》 2020年第4期68-72,共5页 Ground water
基金 中国地质调查局西安地质调查中心项目:“关中-天水经济区综合地质调查宝鸡市幅综合地质调查”(I48E010021)。
关键词 宝鸡市 渭河河谷区 地下水开采 河流拦水工程 水环境变化 水环境问题 Baoji city weihe river valley area groundwater exploitation water blocking works in rivers water environment change water environment
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