4[2]Richard Neutra:1892-1970 Survival through Design.by Barbara Lamprecht,Taschen.2004.
5[3]DE STIJL 1917-1932:De Stijl Art and Environment of Neoplasticism.
7Architect Richard Neutra (1892-1970), a natJve of VJenna Austria, moved to Los Angeles in 1925 to work with Rudolph Schindler on Frank Lloyd Wright's Barnsdall Park project.In 1929, Neutra became famous in his own right with the completion of his landmark Modernist Lovell House in the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles.In California he became celebrated for rigorously geometric but airy structures that symbolized a West Coast variationon the mid-cenlury modern residence. His domestic architecture was a blend of art landscape and practical comfort.Today, Neutra is considered as one of the recognized innovators and leaders of Modernist architecture.
8"If R.JNeutra had not left Austria early in 1923 - he would have met the same fale which befell other architects of his generation: most probably he would never have found himself " Edited by Boesiger W Richard Neutra: Buildings and Projects, Zurich: Editions Girsberger 1951r p8.
9Ediled by Boesiger W., I?ictard Neutra, Buildings and Projects Zurich: Editions Girsberger, 1951 p8.
10"Bioreaiism: Bios the Greek word for life, comprises the infinitely manifoJd emotive powers of our self.The world real refers to life-reality and steers away from vague abstractions." Lamprecht Barbara. Neutra, Koln: Taschen 2004 p9.