
集聚外部性、异质性技术和区域创新效率 被引量:33

Agglomeration externalities,heterogeneous technology and regional innovation efficiency
摘要 区域创新能力是一个地区确立综合竞争力、获取国际竞争优势的决定性因素。本文以产业集聚为研究视角,首先以2009—2013年30个省(市)的创新活动为研究样本,使用超效率共同边界函数测算了我国各省(市)的创新效率,然后运用探索性空间数据分析技术重点考察了三种集聚外部性对创新效率的影响。研究结果表明:(1)集聚外部性是影响创新效率的重要因素,但东部、西部和中部地区所处经济发展阶段的不同导致集聚外部性对创新效率的作用效果显现出差异化特征,其中东部地区同时受益于马歇尔外部性、雅各布外部性和波特外部性,但中西部地区仅从马歇尔外部性和波特外部性中获益。(2)以往研究中被忽略的空间外溢效应对于创新效率具有重要的影响,同时由于各组群在产业结构、资源禀赋等方面更为相似,所以,组群内部的省(市)呈现出明显的“俱乐部收敛”趋势。 Looking back on the development process of China's reform and opening up,China actually transferred the low and mid-end links in the industrial chains of developed countries to the eastern coastal areas of China via low-cost labor and land resources and at the cost of the environment.This extensive way of growth has certain historical rationality,but it is not sustainable after all.Therefore,the fundamental purpose of China's implementation of the innovation-driven strategy is to abandon this unreasonable growth mode,so as to push the economy into the development track of endogenous growth as soon as possible.It is well-known that regional innovation capability has become a decisive factor in establishing comprehensive competitiveness and gaining international competitive advantage for an area.A lot of existing researches suggest that spatial agglomeration could improve the innovation activities.For example,it makes the flow of knowledge and information more convenient.Using the innovation activities of 30 provinces and cities in 2009-2013 as a sample and from the perspective of industrial agglomeration,this paper measures the innovation efficiency of Chinese provinces and cities through super-efficiency meta-frontier function.Making use of exploratory spatial data analysis,this paper also emphasizes on exploring the influence of Marshall externalities,Jacobs externalities and Porter externalities on innovation efficiency.The empirical results can be concluded as follows:(1)Agglomeration externality is an important factor for innovation efficiency.The difference between the economic development stage of the eastern,western and central regions leads to the different effect of agglomeration externality on the innovation efficiency.The eastern region benefits from Marshall externalities,Jacobs externalities and Porter externalities,but the central and western regions benefit only from Marshall externalities and Porter externalities.(2)The spatial spillover effects ignored in previous studies has important influence on the innovation efficiency.And the provinces and cities within the same group show the tendency of“Club Convergence”,considering that the groups are more similar in industrial structure and resource endowment.Based on the above research conclusions,this paper proposes the following policy recommendations:(1)Strengthen the linkage effect among different provinces/cities.Considering the spatial spillover effect of innovation efficiency in empirical outcomes,provinces/cities should strengthen cooperation with each other in innovation activities,and actively facilitate the exchange and sharing of technical knowledge among colleges,scientific research institutions and enterprises,creating a favorable knowledge spillover environment.(2)Speed up the construction of domestic market integration.Since the efficiency of innovation in the eastern,central and western regions all benefit from Porter externalities,the central government should break those segmented markets that develop at the expense of one another.It should encourage market competition,and promote the free flow of production factors such as talents among different regions.(3)The formulation and implementation of industrial plans should be based on the actual development level of the local economy.Local governments in many economically underdeveloped areas often emphasize one-sidedly the construction of complete industrial chains in the planning of related industries,hoping to rely on local superior industries to gather related upstream and downstream industries.Facts have proved that this kind of artificially created diversified industrial environment cannot promote the economic development of a province if its current development fails to reach a certain"threshold".Therefore,provinces/cities should formulate and implement industrial development plans based on local economic development and existing industrial foundations.
作者 张斌 沈能 Zhang Bin;Shen Neng(Dongwu School of Business,Soochow University,Suzhou 215021,Jiangsu,China;College of Public Administration,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,Hubei,China)
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第8期49-59,共11页 Science Research Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71373169,2014.01—2016.12,71673196,2017.01—2020.12) 江苏高校哲学社会科学研究重大项目(2019SJZDA044,2019.06—2023.06)。
关键词 创新效率 共同边界 超效率 集聚外部性 innovation efficiency meta-frontier super efficiency agglomeration externality
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