【Background and Theoretical Bases】It must be stressed here that ESP cannot be seen as a totally separate enterprise,but rather as embedded in and contributing to many traditions and developments in language teaching and applied linguistics.Hutchinson and Waters(1987:17)use the organic image of a tree,with the roots planted deeply in learning and communication,and rising up through the various divisions and subdivisions of language teaching already outlined.Ways in which this has happened,however,have obviously changed over time.The following potted history of ESP also points to a number of loose parallels between theories and‘movements’in language teaching and particular time periods,not so much as a series of rejections as growth and modification based on reflection and experience.These stages are explored in detail in Swales蒺s Episodes in ESP(1985),a collection of seminal papers by different writers set out chronologically and annotated by the editor.
Foreign Language Teaching & Research in Basic Education