
列车动力荷载下聚氨酯固化道床设计参数分析 被引量:2

Analysis of Design Parameters of Polyurethane-ballast Bed Under Dynamic Train Load
摘要 基于多体动力学和有限元仿真方法,提出一种考虑行车荷载的聚氨酯固化道床仿真分析方法。以碎石道床作为对比,分析聚氨酯固化道床的应力特征及传递特性,并研究聚氨酯固化厚度对道床力学特性的影响。研究结果表明,聚氨酯固化道床的应力和路基顶部应力均小于碎石道床,其道砟颗粒能够更好地协同作用,道床应力分布更均匀,道床内应力及传递到路基的力更小;相比碎石道床,聚氨酯固化道床厚度设计值可调节范围更大,可减小至25 cm。 Based on multi-body dynamics and finite element simulation method,a simulation analysis method ofpolyurethane-ballast bed considering traffic load was proposed.Compared with gravel track bed,the stresscharacteristics and transfer characteristics of polyurethane-ballast bed were analyzed,and the influence of polyurethanethickness on its mechanical properties was studied.The results show that the track bed stress and the subgrade top stressof the polyurethane-ballast bed are less than that of the gravel track bed,the interaction between ballasts can be bettercoordinated,the stress distribution of the track bed is more uniform,the stress in the track bed and the stresstransferred to the subgrade are smaller.Compared with gravel track bed,the design value of polyurethane-ballast bedthickness can be adjusted more widely,which can be reduced to 25 cm.
作者 王启好 蔡小培 郄录朝 徐旸 王红 WANG Qihao;CAI Xiaopei;QIE Luchao;XU Yang;WANG Hong(School of Civil Engineering,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 100044,China;Railway Engineering Research Institute,China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited,Beijing 100081,China)
出处 《铁道建筑》 北大核心 2020年第8期115-118,125,共5页 Railway Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(51808556) 中国国家铁路集团有限公司科技研究开发计划(N2018G040)。
关键词 高速铁路 聚氨酯固化道床 数值模拟 聚氨酯固化厚度 道床应力 路基顶部应力 high speed railway polyurethane-ballast bed numerical simulation polyurethane thickness track bed stress subgrade top stress
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