
多重图式化观相重构与形而上质再现赏析——基于《登鹳雀楼》的汉英对比与翻译 被引量:1

Restructuring the Multiple Schematized Aspects and Reproducing Metaphysical Qualities ——Based on Chinese-English Comparison and Translation of Ascending the Stork Tower
摘要 为了更好地说明文学作品形而上质在翻译中的艺术再现问题,文章从英伽登层次结构理论中的图式化观相层入手,以《登鹳雀楼》的汉英翻译为例,着重分析汉英翻译过程中译者的图式化重构问题。译者通过具象翻译法,将汉语古诗具有白描特点的简约型图式化转换为英语生动具体的复合描述型图式化,使英语读者获取的观相等同或近似于汉语读者所获取的观相。观相是读者主体与作者所描述的客体世界之间关系的产物,读者阅读文学作品时产生的各种感性和非感性观相是作品生命力和阐释张力的体现,各种观相的并存与融通烘托出作品的形而上质。因此,译者应聚焦于所涉两种语言的图式化对比与变通,以取得理想的读者观相,最终达到形而上质的有效传递。 In order to best illustrate the artistic reproduction of metaphysical qualities in literary translation,the present paper,based on the English translation of the Chinese poem"Ascending the Stork Tower",analyzes the translator’s schematized reconstruction in translation from the perspective of schematized aspect in Roman Ingarden’s stratified theory.By the way of the concrete translation,the translator transfers from the plain schematized description in the Chinese original to more vivid and concrete schematized version in English.The various aspects(perceptual or imaginal)of portrayed objectivities not only exhibit the relationship between the subject,i.e.the reader,and the object intended by the author but also show the vitality and different interpretations of the literary works.The coexistence and the integration of these various aspects obtained by the reader thus reflect the metaphysical qualities of the literary works.Therefore,in the course of translating a translator should focuses on the comparison and accommodation of the schematization of the two languages concerned in order to realize the ideal aspects on the part of the reader and the final conveyance of the metaphysical qualities in the literary works.
作者 赵明 Zhao Ming(Service Office for Retired Staff,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou,Jiangsu,221008)
出处 《语文学刊》 2020年第4期101-106,共6页 Journal of Language and Literature Studies
基金 2018年度全国高校外语教学科研项目“文学翻译的形而上质再现研究——基于英伽登层次结构理论的新思考”(2018JS0035B)阶段性成果。
关键词 图式化观相 重构 形而上质 《登鹳雀楼》 英译 schematized aspect restructure metaphysical quality Ascending the Stork Tower English translation
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