
法院的类型、创设权归属及其司法权配置 被引量:21

Type of the Courts, its Creating Power and the Distribution of Jurisdiction
摘要 法院创设权分概括创设权和具体创设权,其归属和司法权配置受制于法院法定、管辖权法定的宪法原则。该原则源于17世纪英国,18世纪被法国采纳,其原旨乃反对肢解刑事司法权、禁止指定审判法官或设立刑事特别法院(庭)。宪法成文化运动致使其扩张至行民领域,但在司法科学化冲击下其重归原点,并成为法治国的内在要求。形式要件为法院创设权依重要性分别保留于宪法与法律,实质要件为刑事司法权绝对保留、行民司法权相对保留。司法权的外部扩张与内部分裂催生了多层次的法院类型。我国确立了该原则,但法院分类不科学,创设权下沉、司法权配置(如三审合一)等背离法治要求。2018年宪法和法院组织法修订不仅没有解决问题,反倒引发重大隐患,应予完善。 The powers to create courts consist of the general and the special power,and who should have this power and how to distribute the jurisdiction among the courts are subject to the constitutional principle of the courts by law and distribution by law.This principle originated from England in 17th century and then adopted by France in 18th century,and its aim was to oppose dividing criminal jurisdictions,prohibiting designation of the judges in a given case or setting up the ad hoc criminal court.The constitutionalization movement made the rages of the principle enlarge into the civil and the administrative field,and then,under the tide of the court science,returned to the original point which is the requirement of the rule of law.The formal requirement is that the power to create courts is retained by the constitution and the law according to its importance,and the substantial requirement is that the criminal jurisdiction be absolutely retained in the common courts while the civil and the administrative relatively retained.The expansion outside and the division inside of the judiciary caused varied types of the courts at subordinate levels.China has established the principle,but the powers to create courts authorized to the juniors and the Triple jurisdictions over civil,criminal and administrative cases by the intellectual property courts and the environmental courts depart from rule of law.The 2018amendment to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and to the Organic Law of the People's Courts did not solve the problem.Instead,it has created potential problems.In the future,the two laws should be improved.
作者 佀化强 Si Huaqiang
出处 《中外法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期1353-1376,共24页 Peking University Law Journal
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费华东师范大学引进人才启动费项目(项目编号:2020ECNU-HLYT017) 重庆大学中央高校基本科研业务费项目(项目编号:2018CDJSK08YJ05)的支持。
关键词 法院法定管辖权法定 司法权配置 专门法院 特别法院 三审合一 Jurisdiction Distribution by Law Judicial Power Allocation Specialized Court Ad Hoc Tribunal Triple Jurisdiction
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