
文明旅游对国家文化软实力提升的模型建构及实证研究——以柬埔寨吴哥景区中国游客为例 被引量:4

The Model Construction and Empirical Study about the Impact of Civilized Tourism on National Cultural Strength——Taking Chinese Tourists Travelling to Cambodia as an Example
摘要 随着全球传播体系重构,我国体量巨大的出境旅游客群正成为文化“人际传播”媒介,重视旅游情境下的文化互鉴,机不容失。然而,就文明旅游促进国家文化软实力提升的影响要素和作用机理研究,学界尚缺乏相关经验证据。文章在拓展计划行为理论的基础上,建构文明旅游促进国家文化软实力提升的影响机制模型,并利用SPSS22.0及SmartPLS 2.0统计分析软件对320位赴柬埔寨吴哥景区的中国游客展开实证分析,结果显示:(1)受访群体的主观规范、文明行为态度和知觉行为控制对文化体验有着显著影响,呈现了出境旅游者对文明旅游规范的认知和自觉遵守旅游文明规范的意愿正向影响文化体验的事实;(2)受访群体的主观规范和知觉行为控制对国家文化软实力提升具有显著正向影响,主观规范显著推进了环境责任意识强化,知觉行为控制则对国家文化软实力的四类意识均有显著促进作用;(3)作为重要中介因素,文化体验对国家文化软实力提升存在显著影响的假设得到了验证;(4)人口统计分析的多样性结果刻画了我国出境旅游者年轻化、高学历、中等收入的群体肖像,国家文化软实力的提升效果在年轻群体中更为显著。三个因素(教育水平、收入水平和出国旅游次数)与文化体验之间存在正相关,但并不完全影响国家文化软实力提升。上述结论揭示了文明旅游行为的外显价值和培育逻辑,即:应理性且客观认知中国游客境外不文明现象,在正确看待“阶段性的不完美”和“结果的和美”的辩证关系中增强文化自信;注重社群对文明旅游意识的培养作用,合力实施公民出境旅游文明建设战略,进而以“文化自觉”形式立体展现国家物质结构的多样性和文化的包容性;积极响应“一带一路”倡议,依托文旅融合讲好富有亲和力的中国故事。 As global communication system restructures,a huge amount of outbound tourists in China has become a medium for the“interpersonal communication”of national culture.Great importance should be attached immediately to the cultural mutual learning in the context of tourism.However,there is still a lack of empirical evidence on the influencing factors and mechanism of the promotion of cultural soft power by civilized tourism.On the basis of expanding the theory of planned behavior,the paper constructs the influence mechanism model of civilized tourism promoting the national cultural soft power.SPSS22.0 and SmartPLS 2.0 statistical analysis software were used to conduct an empirical analysis on 320 Chinese tourists to Angkor in Cambodia,and the results showed that:(1)Interviewees’subjective norms,attitudes towards civilized behaviors and perceived behavioral control have a significant impact on cultural experience,which reflects that outbound tourists’awareness of civilized tourism norms and willingness to consciously abide by them positively affect cultural experience;(2)Interviewees’subjective norms and perceived behavioral control have a positive impact on China’s cultural soft strength.The subjective norms significantly enhance their awareness of environmental responsibility,and their perceived behavioral control has a positive impact on four kinds of awareness about China’s cultural soft strength;(3)The hypothesis that cultural experience has a significant impact on the promotion of national cultural soft power has been verified,as an important mediating factor,which has an enhanced effect on China’s cultural soft strength;(4)The diverse results of demographic analysis depict the portraits of young,well-educated and middle-income outbound tourists in China.The promotion effect of national cultural soft power is more obvious in the young group.Three factors(education level,income level and the number of trips abroad)are positively correlated with cultural experience,but do not completely affect the improvement of national cultural soft power.The above conclusion reveals the explicit value and cultivation logic of civilized tourism behavior.That is,we should pay attention to rational and objective cognition of the uncivilized phenomenon of Chinese tourists abroad,we should strengthen the importance of cultural confidence and fully recognize the dialectical relationship between“stage imperfection”and“perfect results”.Moreover,we should attach great importance to the role of the community in cultivating the awareness of civilized tourism,implement citizens’outbound tourism civilization construction strategy,and then display the diversity of national material structure and inclusiveness of national culture in the form of“cultural awareness”.In the end,the“Belt and Road”initiative shall be positively followed to deliver amicable and friendly Chinese culture relying on culture-tourism integration.
作者 高明 何玮 Gao Ming;He Wei(Tourism College of Zhejiang,Hangzhou 311231,China)
出处 《旅游论坛》 2020年第4期33-46,共14页 Tourism Forum
基金 浙江省软科学研究项目“公平与效率:数字社会进程中浙江生态补偿靶向路径与政策供给研究”(2020C35044)。
关键词 中国出境游客 文明旅游 国家文化软实力 计划行为理论 Chinese outbound tourists civilized tourism national cultural soft strength planned behavior theory
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