
结肠镜检出肠癌的性别年龄分布和检出率分析 被引量:9

Distribution of age and gender as well as detection rate on colonic cancer cases diagnosed by colonoscopy
摘要 [目的]分析结肠镜检查结合病理确诊癌症的患者年龄、性别分布和检出率等特征,为结直肠癌的防治策略提供参考。[方法]收集本院胃肠镜检查室2009〜2018年所有电子结肠镜检查病例及结合病理活检分析结果的确诊癌症病例资料,依据惟一病历号排除了同一患者多次重复检测病例。采用Graphpad Prism 5进行数据分析、作图。[结果]2009〜2018的10年时间内本院接受结肠镜检测人数共为4469例,其中确诊肠癌167例(结肠癌86例,直肠癌81例),检出率为3.737%(167/4469),结肠癌与直肠癌的检出率比较差异无统计学意义。167例中男111例(占66.47%),女56例(占33.53%),性别分布呈现显著性差异(P<0.001);年龄分布以70〜79岁(31.74%)之间为最高峰,其次为60〜69岁(25.75%)和50〜59岁(22.75%);结肠癌与直肠癌之间年龄分布比较差异无统计学意义。女性肠癌在50〜59岁之间比例显著高于同年龄段男性(P=0.04)。相对于2009〜2013年,2014〜2018年肠癌的检出率略有下降,由4.089%下降至3.547%。[结论]近10年本院结肠镜恶性肿瘤检出率为3.737%,男性风险显著高于女性。女性绝经后肠癌检出率呈显著上升趋势。 [Objective]This study analyzed epidemiological characteristics including distribution of age and gender,as well as detection rate of colorectal cancer cases diagnosed by combination of colonoscopy and pathological analysis in the Fifth Peopled Hospital of Wuhu of Anhui province from 2009-01 to 2018-12.It would provide reference information for the prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer in this local area.[Methods]Data of all colono-rectal cancer cases primarily diagnosed by colonoscopy detection and further confirmed by pathological biopsy analysis in this hospital from 2009 to 2018 were collected.Every patient was given a unique number allowing identification of multiple visits or readmissions during the 10-year period and thereby avoiding duplication.Statistical analysis and chart making were performed using GraphPad Prism 5.0 software.All p-values were two-tailed and were considered significant when lower than 0.05.[Results]A total of 4469 individuals had received colonoscopy detection during 10-year observation period,and 167 colorectal cancer cases(86 cases for colon cancer and 81 for rectal cancer)were identified and distributed as 66.47% for male(n=111)and 33.53% for female(n=56).The highest percentage(31.74%)was found in ages within 70-79 years old and to a less degree,25.75% and 22.75% was observed in ages within 60-69 years old and within 50-59 years old,respectively.Compared with male,colorectal cancer in female were presented more frequently within 50-59 years old(P=0.040),which might be associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer in postmenopausal female due to decreased hormone levels.Additionally,no significant difference of ages between colon cancer and rectal cancer was found.The positive rate of colorectal cancer in all individuals receiving colonoscopy detection from 2009 to 2018 was 3.737%(167/4469).No difference of the positive rates between colon cancer and rectal cancer detections was found.Compared with 2009-2013,the detection rate of colonic cancer decreased slightly from 4.089% to 3.547% in 2014-2018.[Conclusion]In the past ten years,the positive rate of colorectal cancer in all individuals receiving colonoscopy detection was 3.737%,and male had a higher risk of colorectal cancer than female.Colonic cancer detection rate in postmenopausal women showed a significant upward trend.
作者 李映春 郑滟波 鲁大林 贾兆明 施志农 LI Ying-chun;ZHENG Yan-bo;LU Da-lin;JIA Zhao-ming;SHI Zhi-nong(Department of Gastroenterology,the Fifth Peopled Hospital of W uhu,241000 Wuhu,Anhui China)
机构地区 芜湖市第
出处 《临床消化病杂志》 2020年第4期244-247,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology
关键词 结肠癌 直肠癌 肠镜检查 检出率 绝经后妇女 colon cancer rectal cancer enteroscopy positive rate postmenopausal women
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