
宋代瓦子勾栏新探 被引量:1

A New Approach to Wazi Goulan in the Song Dynasty
摘要 宋代瓦子勾栏是新型的市场形态。勾栏是市场中诞生的文化实体,是商品经济中的文化现象。至晚在宋初,开封等地就出现了瓦子。北宋末开封的九处瓦子,以娱乐为主业,商业次之,四季昼夜营业。瓦子在南宋临安得到继承发展,由官方建设与管理,数量多达二十余处,并增加了娼妓业,加大了商业比重。金元明时期,瓦子有余绪残留。随着戏剧的形成与发展,勾栏脱离瓦子单独发展,艺人地位下降,几乎与妓女合流,更多的演出在妓院,遂有金代戏曲院本之形成,此后的瓦子勾栏逐渐换了一种形式和名称分别发展。瓦子是城市近代化的标志,作为专门开辟的集中娱乐区,标志着娱乐业的兴起;瓦子是市民文化的渊薮,开辟了文艺发展的新格局;瓦子是侵蚀礼教的染缸,突出的是追求感官享受的娱乐性,也是吃喝嫖赌的污秽之地。瓦子标志着宋代俗文化崛起,中国文化开始了雅俗共赏时期,成就了宋文化的辉煌与隽久,在中国历史上有着重要的特殊的意义。 Wazi Goulan was a new form of market in Song dynasty.Born in market,Goulan was an entity of culture,and a cultural phenomenon in market economy.By the beginning of Song dynasty,at the latest,Wazi appeared in Kaifeng and other places.In the end of the Northern Song Dynasty,with recreation as the major business and closely followed by commerce,the nine resorts of Wazi in Kaifeng opened all day,all year round.In Southern Song dynasty,Lin’an became the new gathering place of Wazi,which were then under the rule of the government,and more than twenty in number.While the business of prostitution appeared inside of Wazi by then,the proportion of commerce increased as well.Wazi still remained in Jin,Yuan,and Ming dynasty.With the formation and development of drama,Gou Lan began to survive without Wazi,which lowered the social status of actors to that of the harlots.More shows were on at brothels,so that the Jin drama"Yuan Ben"was formed.Wazi and Gou Lan were then on separate roads of their own developments.As a symbol of modernization of cities,Wazi,the specific zones for entertainment,marked the boom of recreation industry.It exploited the new pattern of the development of art and culture,foregrounding itself as a place for pursuing sensual pleasures,yet a filthy hole of indulgence in dissipated ways of lives.It was an aggregation of the violation of the feudal ethical codes.Wazi represented itself as the beginning of the folk culture in Song dynasty,from which Chinese culture entered a new era suiting both refined and popular tastes.It shaped the culture of Song dynasty a splendid and long-lasting one,and is endowed with special significance in Chinese history.
作者 程民生 CHENG Min-sheng(School of History and Culture.Henan University,Kaifeng 475001,Henan,China)
出处 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期1-15,共15页 Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)
关键词 瓦子 勾栏 宋代 娱乐 Wazi Goulan Song Dynasty recreation
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