

The Impact of Brexit on British Religious “Hard Governance”
摘要 脱欧对英国产生了多方面的影响,其对英国宗教“硬治理”的影响尤其值得关注。该问题的实质是探讨欧盟关于宗教事宜的法律法规如何及在何种程度上对英国相关的宗教法律的制定和发展产生影响。欧盟基础性法律规范对英国宗教“硬治理”并未产生实质性影响,但欧盟派生性法律规范,特别是涉及宗教事宜的指令,对英国宗教“硬治理”影响显著。脱欧后英国宗教“硬治理”所受影响主要表现在,英国将失去欧盟派生性法律规范对英国国内宗教法律发展所提供的发展方向、框架和动力。 Brexit has exerted its influence on nearly all aspects of the UK,and its impact on British religious“hard governance”is particularly worthy of attention.This research aims to explore how and to what extent EU laws and regulations on religious matters have influenced the formulation and development of religious laws in the UK.As regards primary law,the EU's religious“hard governance”has been exercising very limited unsubstantial influence on British religious“hard governance”,but EU's secondary law,EU Directive related to religious matters in particular,has been making a significant impact on British religious“hard governance”.Therefore,Brexit will have a significant impact on British religious“hard governance”,mainly reflected in the fact that the UK is going to lose the specific guidance and promotion from EU secondary law,and lose the development direction,framework and motivation provided by original EU supranational law,including EU Treaties,Regulation,Directive and Decision.
作者 潘文 Pan Wen
出处 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期121-127,共7页 Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“民族宗教与国家治理问题研究”(15ZDB123)。
关键词 欧盟 英国脱欧 宗教“硬治理” 欧盟法律 European Union Brexit religious“hard governance” EU laws
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