

The Relationship between Things and Selves in Ego-involved Realm and the Causes of the Beauty of Magnificence
摘要 王国维在《人间词话》中提出“有我之境”这一概念,并认为“有我之境”多表现为“宏壮”美。以叶嘉莹和佛雏为代表的一些学者认为,“有我之境”中物我之间存在对立的利害关系,并以此为基础解释此境中“宏壮”美产生的原因。该认识有待商榷,“有我之境”中物我之间不存在对立利害关系,而更可能是一种双向互动状态下的选取、吸引与补助和生发;探讨“有我之境”中“宏壮”美产生的原因,应结合康德对“崇高”的分析,以创作者经历了“由动之静”这一过程为关键,同时,也不能忽视作品接受者的作用。 Wang Guowei put forward the concept of Ego-involved Realm in Poetic Remarks in the Human World and believed it mostly manifested the beauty of Magnificence.Some scholars,represented by Ye Jiaying and Fo Chu,hold the point that there existed opposite interest between things and selves in Ego-involved Realm and gave their explanations for the beauty of Magnificence on this basis.This viewpoint remained to be discussed.This paper believes there is no opposite interest in Ego-involved Realm,and the relationship between things and selves in this situation is more likely to be the selection,attraction,subsidy and development in a two-way interactive state.In order to explore the causes of the beauty of Magnificence in Ego-involved Realm,we should combine Kant’s analysis of sublimity and take the process of the creator’s experience of Stillness from Movement as the key point,and at the same time,we should not ignore the role of the recipients of the work.
作者 范悦 FAN Yue(Liberal Arts School,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou Fujian350000,China)
出处 《菏泽学院学报》 2020年第4期126-131,共6页 Journal of Heze University
关键词 王国维 “有我之境” 物我关系 宏壮 由动之静 Wang Guowei Ego-involved Realm the relationship between things and selves Magnificence Stillness from Movement
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