
超国家主义退潮下的新英欧互动——后脱欧时代英国—欧盟移民社会保障合作问题研究 被引量:3

New Interaction Field of the UK and the EU under the Retreat of Supra-nationalism——A Study on Migrants Social Security Cooperation between the UK and the EU in the Post-Brexit Era
摘要 围绕移民的福利和主权争议是影响2016年英国脱欧公投的焦点议题。本文认为,逆全球化局势下超国家主义的撤退和国家主义的阶段性回潮在英国的国家、政党和国民层面构建了脱欧底色。对于移民“搭福利便车”的指摘则是一种“选择性建构”,忽视了移民对东道国财政的积极贡献和其福利领取资格上的“次公民”待遇。英国加入欧盟四十余年来,形成了稳定的移民福利场域,“福利去边界化”和“福利超国家主义”的福利惯习(文化)持久地浸染和内化于各行动者,即使未来英国退出欧盟,惯习的粘性和英国—欧盟互动所留下的制度痕迹不会凭空消散;福利接受者的抵抗策略更使英国不能轻易关闭福利共治空间。因此,在后脱欧时代,英国难以回到福利的国家主义,未来英国和欧盟仍需在社会保障领域探索新的合作方案。这可能指向英国与欧盟在福利领域乃至国家层面的合作新路径:在国家主义和超国家主义之间徘徊的耦合的第三条道路,这种探索还暗含英国未来重新校准自己国家身份和国际定位的尝试。 Controversy around the welfare of migrants and sovereignty was the focus of the 2016 Brexit referendum.This paper argues that the accusation of‘welfare free rider'towards migrants is a kind of‘selective construction’,which neglects that migrants make positive financial contribution to the host country,and in the meanwhile they can only enjoy a‘sub-citizen'treatment on the eligibility for benefits.Furthermore,what can properly explain why Brexit happens is that the retreat of supranationalism and the periodic return of nationalism have both constructed a Brexit atmosphere at the state,the party and the citizen level.Over the past 40 years,the UK and the EU have built a stable welfare field of migrants,‘welfare de-boundary'and‘welfare supranationalism'as the welfare habits(culture)have been infecting and internalizing all actors in this field for long times.Even if the UK withdraws from the EU in the future,the stickiness of welfare habits and the institutional traces left by the interaction arena between the UK and the EU will not disappear in vain.What's more,the resistance strategies of welfare recipients make it harder for the UK to close the co-governance welfare space completely.As a result,the UK cannot return to welfare nationalism in the post-Brexit era,instead,the UK and the EU will still work together to find a new welfare arrangement for migrants.And this may point to a new way of cooperation between the UK and the EU in the field of welfare and even at the national level—a coupling third way which hovers between nationalism and supranationalism,which also implies the new attempt of the UK to recalibrate its national identity and its international positioning.
作者 王滢淇 刘涛 Wang Yingqi;Liu Tao(School of Political Science and Public Administration, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072;School of Public Affairs, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058;Center of Social Welfare and Governance, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058;Institute of East Asian Studies, Duisburg-Essen University, Duisburg 47057)
出处 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期35-49,共15页 Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 后脱欧时代 移民社会保障合作 超国家主义 国家主义 post-Brexit era migrants'social security cooperation supranationlism nationalism
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