

Practice and Research of Online Teaching with the“12345”Threedimensional Promotion during the Epidemic Situation——Taking Xiangyang Polytechnic as an Example
摘要 受新型冠状肺炎等重要疫情影响,教育部发布延期开学通知,“停课不停学”是在此期间教学的必需。如何让学生在此期间进行有效学习,学校教学管理如何有序进行是学校教学工作需要落实的重要事情。文章以襄阳职业技术学院疫情期间教学管理为例,从教学理念、教学空间、教学平台、具体举措和教学保障五个方面对疫情期间线上教学进行研究和分析,为类似教学突发情况提出有效的方略。 Due to the novel coronavirus pneumonia,the Ministry of Education issues the notice to postpone the start of school,but"no suspension of classes"is necessary during this period.How to make students learn ef⁃fectively and how to carry out teaching management in an orderly way are important things to be implemented in school teaching work.This article takes the teaching management in Xiangyang Polytechnic as an example to pro⁃mote online teaching during the epidemic from five aspects:teaching concept,teaching space,teaching platform,specific measures and teaching security,and propose effective strategies for similar teaching emergencies.
作者 熊绍刚 孙莉 Xiong Shaogang;Sun Li(Xiangyang Polytechnic,Xiangyang Hubei 441050,China)
出处 《襄阳职业技术学院学报》 2020年第5期49-52,共4页 Journal of Xiangyang Polytechnic
基金 湖北省中华职教社2020年度调研课题项目“重大疫情背景下职业教育信息化建设的作用发挥研究”(HBZJ2020049)。
关键词 线上教学 立体化 疫情 online teaching three-dimensional epidemic situation
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