
高校防治性骚扰义务之政策建构——耶鲁大学防治性不端行为的政策及启示 被引量:1

Policy Construction of Universities'Obligation to Prevent and Control Sexual Harassment——Yale University's Policies on Sexual Misconduct and Reference
摘要 2020年正值北京第四届世界妇女大会25周年,《民法典》也出台了。第四届世界妇女大会通过的《北京行动纲领》重点关切性骚扰问题,《民法典》也规定了学校防治性骚扰的义务,该规定有赖于学校出台具体的政策予以落实。耶鲁大学为有效防治性骚扰、性侵害等性不端行为出台了一系列政策,并通过对政策的有效执行,预防性不端行为的发生,倡导建立平等、相互尊重的性关系,构建文明、包容、信任及免于歧视和暴力的校园工作和生活环境。通过对耶鲁大学关于性不端政策进行比较详尽的介绍和分析,以期对我国高校出台防治性骚扰相关政策提供借鉴,进而推动我国实现《北京行动纲领》所确立的实现性别平等、推动妇女事业发展的承诺,促进《民法典》相关规定的落实。 The year of 2020 marks the 25th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing,and the enforcement of China's Civil Code.The Beijing Platform for Action passed on the Fourth World Conference on Women gives priority to the prevention and control of sexual harassment.The Civil Code also states the responsibility of universities to prevent and control sexual harassment.The implementation of the provision in the new law depends on specific policies introduced by universities.Yale University has introduced a number of policies to effectively prevent sexual assaults and misconducts.Meanwhile,the university has been working on the establishment of gender relationship featuring equality and mutual respect,the formation of civility,inclusiveness and trust,and the building of a working and living environment free from prejudice and violence through an effective implementation of relevant policies and prevention of sexual misconducts.This paper makes a detailed introduction and analysis of the Yale University's policies on sexual misconducts to provide some references to Chinese universities in their introduction of corresponding policies in the prevention and control of to sexual harassment,the realization of pledges made by the Fourth World Conference on Women to promote gender equality and women's development,and the implementation of relevant provisions in the Civil Code.
作者 刘春玲 龙大瑞 LIU Chunling;Darius Longarino
出处 《中华女子学院学报》 2020年第5期29-37,共9页 Journal of China Women's University
基金 司法部专项任务课题“性骚扰认定中的证明责任问题研究”的阶段性成果之一,项目编号:19SFB5009。
关键词 北京+25 民法典 性骚扰 政策 Civil Code sexual harassment policy
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