
新中国西部高等教育的发展历程、逻辑与未来路径 被引量:7

Higher Education Development in the West of the People's Republic of China:Development Process,Logic and Future Path
摘要 新中国成立以来,西部高等教育发展大致经历了接管整顿时期、调整迁移时期、充实提高时期、恢复扩建时期、效率优先时期和均衡发展时期六个阶段。西部地区普通高校数、在校学生数和专任教师数在全国的比例变化过程说明西部高等教育的发展与国家政策的扶持力度成正相关。西部高等教育应借助国家政策,在继续争取国家和地方政府支持的基础上,通过自身努力获得更大的发展。 Since the founding of the People's Republic of China,the development of higher education in Western China has experienced six stages:the period of takeover and consolidation,the period of adjustment and migration,the period of enrichment and improvement,the period of restoration and expansion,the period of pursuing efficiency and the period of balanced development.The development trend of the proportion of the numbers of general universities,students and full-time teachers in Western China shows that the development of higher education in Western China is highly dependent on the support of national policies.Higher education in the western region should achieve greater development through its own efforts with the help of national policies and on the basis of continuing to strive for the support of national and local governments.
作者 张正峰 那薇 ZHANG Zhengfeng;NA Wei(School of Education,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi'an,Shaanxi,710062,China)
出处 《教育与教学研究》 2020年第9期87-95,共9页 Education and Teaching Research
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学一般课题“新中国西部高等教育口述史研究”(编号:BIA180166)。
关键词 新中国 西部高等教育 发展历程 逻辑 未来路径 The People's Republic of China higher education in Western China development process logic future path
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